The Dreadnoughts chords & sheets

There are total 16 results.
[VERSE 1] He was [C]just 18 When he[Dm] saw her smiling [Am]face As she da[C]nced along the st[Em]reets of Mon[Am]treal And i[C]n 1916 She gave her [Dm]hand for him to h[Am]old In the c[C]hurch beneath the anc[Em]ient city [Am]walls But [C]now he lies a[Em]wake, sta[Dm]ring in up into[Am] the...
[VERSE 1] A recr[Em]uiting sergeant came our way Fro[G]m an inn near town at the close of day He sai[Em]d my Johnny you're a fine young man Woul[G]d you l[B7]ike to march along behind a military band With [G]a scarlet coat and a fi[D]ne cocked hat And a [Em]musket at your [B7]shoulder The...
[INTRO] [D] [G] [Am] [Em] [C] [G] [G] [D] [G] [VERSE] From the str[G]eets of old Vic[C]toria to fa[G]ir old Mabou t[D]own From Por[D]tage to Spa[G]dina listen clo[C]sely for the so[G]und A vo[D]ice still echoes so[G]ftly 'cross the ri[Am]vers and the pl[Em]ains So d[C]on't you dare stop...
[VERSE 1] Hello my dear old fri[Em]end Good to see your face again How is your little [Am]cell? Do they treat you we[B]ll? The last time that we [Em]met Your blood was running hot Your handshake it was f[Am]ine You're happy then you're n[B]ot [PRE-CHORUS] Gavrilo you're[Am] mine The silver...
[INTRO] [D] [A] [G] [D] [A] [G] [A] [G] [A] [G] [A] [G] [VERSE 1] Boys, [D]I remember one September Taking[G] arms up to the crown Beaten[Em] up and broken [A]down And the[D] maid that Connaught gave us Who cou[G]ld save us from our [D]shame Grace O[Em]'Malley was her [A]name [CHORUS]...
[VERSE] From [Am]France we get the Brandy From [C]Martinique the rum [G]Sweet red Cabernet From [Am]Italy does come But the [D]fairest of ‘em all me boys The [C]one to beat the day [G]Is made from apples Up the [Am]mighty [Em]Saguenay She's [Am]called the Dreadnought Cider She's...
[VERSE 1] It's a d[Am]amn tough l[E]ife full of t[F]oil and s[E]trife We w[F]halermen [G]under[Am]go And we [Am]don't give a [E]damn when the [F]day is [E]done [F] [G] [Am] How hard the winds did blow Cause we're [C]homeward bound from the [G]Arctic ground With a [Am]good ship, taut ...
[VERSE 1] [C]Now we are [CM7/B]ready to [Am]head for the Horn [Am]Weigh, [G]hey, [Am]roll an' go! [C]Our boots an' our clothes boys are [G]all in the pawn To be [C]rollickin' randy [Am]dandy O! [CHORUS] [C]Heave a [CM7/B]pawl, oh, [Am]heave away [Am]Weigh, [G]hey, [Am]roll and go! [C]The anchor's...
[VERSE 1] [Em]'Twas late 65 at the old wall sea yard [Am]She was commissioned to haul the black tar [C]And built the Northumbria there on the bar [Bm]Roll Northumbria Ro[Em]ll [VERSE 2] [Em]For when the Egyptians they closed the Red Sea [Am]And call came on high from the powers that be...
[INSTRUMENTAL] |Em |Em /C /B |x2 [VERSE] [Em]Picking up the pieces of the day And [C]casting them [Em]away [Em]Walk into the town below And [C]lay it all so [G]lo-[F#m]ow [F]Waltzing with [Em]Paulina [Am]Waltzing with Pau[G]li[B]na [Em]Now all the world's asleep With the [C]secrets ...
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