Terry Butler chords & sheets

There are total 16 results.
All over the world, all over the wo[G]rld [D] Your Spirit is m[C]oving[D] all over the wo[G]rld Your river is fl[G]owing, your presence has c[D]ome Your spirit is m[C]oving[D] all over the wo[G]rld You're touching the n[C]ations You're bringing your l[D]ove Your Spirit ...
[D]Before you now [Gm] [C2]In the beauty of your [Dsus]presence [D] And as I bow[Gm] [C2]You surround me with your [Dsus]radiance [D] [Bb]I worship,[Am7] I worship you [D] [Bb]I worship,[Am7] I worship you [D] [D]Before you now [Gm] [C2]As your loving arms en[Dsus]fold [D]me [D]I am in ...
[INTRO] [F#m7](To E[E]nd[D] ; [A/C#]Bm7) [Bm7] [E] [F#m7] [CHORUS] [F#m7]Breathe on[E] me b[D]reath of G[E]od [D]My spirit ye[E]arns for [F#m]You [F#m7]Hide me [E]in Your f[D]athering arm[E]s [D]Fill up my lo[E]nging s[A]oul [VERSE] Fl[A]ood over m[Bm7]e like a [D]river my Go[E]d Imm[A]erse ...
[INTRO] [C]Search me oh God and [G]know my[Am7] thoughts N[F]othing is [Dm7]hidden from y[Gsus]ou [G] L[C]ead me along your p[G]ath of [Am7]life T[F]hat I may [Gsus]walk in tr[C]uth [CHORUS] Bring me c[F]los[C]er, c[G]los[C]er C[F]loser to y[C]ou my [Gsus]Lord [G] B[C]ring me clo[F]ser[G] ,...
[D]It is the [G]cry of my [A]heart to [G]follow You [D]It is the [G]cry of my [A]heart to be [G]close to You [D]It is the [G]cry of my [A]heart to follow [G]all of the [A]days of my [D]life [G] [A] [Bm]Teach me Your [G]holy [A]ways O [D]Lord [Bm]So I can [E]walk in Your [A]truth [Bm]Teach me...
[D]It is the c[G]ry of my he[A]art to fo[G]llow y[D]ou. It is the c[G]ry of my he[A]art to be cl[Bm]ose [A]to y[D]ou. It is the c[G]ry of my he[A]art to fo[F#]llow a[G]ll of the da[A]ys of my li[D]fe. [Bm]Teach me your [G/B]holy wa[A]ys oh Lo[D]rd. [Bm]So I can wa[E]lk in your tru[A]th. [Bm]Teach...
[INTRO] [E] [B/D#] [C#m] [A2] [E] [F#m11] [Bsus] [B] [A2] [E] [VERSE 1] Your d[E]eep, [B/D#]deep [C#m7]love [A2]washes over [E]me Your deep, [B/D#]deep [C#m7]love [F#m11]fills my every n[B]eed How I [E]long [B/D#]to [C#m7] hear your [A2]voice call out my [E]name It[F#m11] draws me to your ...
[VERSE 1] [B]/[E] [E] [B/C#] [C#m] We approach your throne, contrite of heart [Amaj7]Crying o[B/A]ut to you[F#m7] [B7sus] in repe[E]ntance [B]/[E] [E] [B/C#] [C#m] Overwhelm us now in your holiness [Amaj7]Reig - [B/A]nite the fla[F#m7]me [B/A] ...
[C]Earnestly I [G]seek your [C]face; I will [C]sing a [G]song [F]of [C]Praise [E]In the mo[A]rnin[Am]g [C]When I r[D9]ise to y[G]ou [G7] [C]Earnestly I [G]seek your f[C]ace; I long f[C]or your w[G]arm em[C]brace [E]In the e[A]venin[Am]g [C]As I w[Dm7]orship y[G7]ou [C] [F2]How I l[C2]ove you...
[VERSE] [D]Glory and honor to [Em]God [G]Glory and honor for - [Bm7]ev - [A]er [D]Glory and honor to [Em]God [G]Glory and honor bel[Bm7]ong [A]to h[D]im [A]He who formed the h[Bm7]eav'ns [D] [G]He who kn[D]ows the s[Em7]tars b[D]y [Asus]name [A]Author of all l[Bsus]ife, [B] [G]full of...
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