Ryan Griffith chords & sheets

There are total 2 results.
[VERSE] [Gm]You[Eb]r n[Bb]ame[F/A] is higher, it's stronger, It's greater [Gm]You[Eb]r n[Bb]ame[F/A] is higher, it's stronger, It's greater [Gm]You[Eb]r n[Bb]ame[F/A] is higher, it's stronger, It's greater [Gm]Tha[Eb]n a[Bb]ny [F/A]other name [CHORUS] [Gm]The[Eb]re'[Bb]s p[F/A]ower in the name of...
You[Am]r name is h[F]igher, it's s[C]tronger, It's g[G]reater You[Am]r name is h[F]igher, it's s[C]tronger, It's g[G]reater You[Am]r name is h[F]igher, it's s[C]tronger, It's g[G]reater Tha[Am]n any [F]other[C] name [G] [CHORUS] The[Am]re's power in the n[F]ame of [C]Jes - u[G]s The[Am]re's...
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