Rolling Stones chords & sheets

There are total 182 results.
[Am]Close my eyes, it's 3[(Emi)] in the after[(Ami)]noon Then I realize that she's really gone for [Em]good [CHORUS] Anybody [C]seen [D]my [Bm]ba [Em]by Anybody [C]seen [D]her a[Em]round Love has gone and [C]made me [D]blind, I've [Bm]looked but I just [Em]can't find She has gotten [C]lost...
INTRO: (organ arranged for guitar) [Dm] [C] [Bb] [F] VERSE: [Dm] [C] [Bb] [F] Went out walkin' through the wood the other day And the w[Dm]orld was a c[C]arpet laid be[Bb]fore me [Dm]The buds were b[C]ursting And the [Bb]air ...
[INTRO] (organ arranged for guitar) [Dm] [C] [Bb] [F] [VERSE] [Dm]Went out [C]walkin' through the [Bb]wood the other [F]day And the w[Dm]orld was a c[C]arpet laid be[Bb]fore me [Dm]The buds were b[C]ursting And the [Bb]air smelled sweet and str[F]ange And it s[Dm]eemed about a h[C]undred years...
[Fm]Sun turning 'round with graceful motion We're setting off with soft explosion [Bbm]Bound for a star with fiery oceans [Ab]It's so very lonely [Bb]You're a hundred [C]light years from [Fm]home Freezing red deserts turn to dark Energy here in every part It's so very lonely you're six hundred...
[INTRO] (Electronic space sounds then) [E] [VERSE 1] [E]Sun turning 'round with graceful motion, [E]We're setting off with soft explosion. [A7]Bound for a star with fiery [E]oceans. [G]It's so very lonely, [A]you're a hundred [B]light years from [E]home. [VERSE 2] [E]Freezing red deserts turn to...
[INTRO] [A] [E7] [A] [E7] [A] [D] [A] [Asus4] [A] [D] [A] [E7] [VERSE 1] Well my [A]name is a number, a [E7]piece of plastic [A]film. And I grow tiny flowers in my [E7]little window [A]sill. Don't you [D]know I'm the two thousand [A]ma[Asus4]n? [A] And my [D]kids, they just don't ...
INTRO: STRIKE THE B CHORD AND LET RING [VERSE] B * NOTE: * MEANS YOU CAN I know you want to leave me PLAY THE PIANO RIFF B * ON GUITAR LIKE THIS: I refuse to let you go  ...
[VERSE 1] [B]I know you wanna leave me, [E] [E]I refu[B]se to let you go, [E] If I have to b[B]eg, plead for your sy[E]mpathy, I don't mi[B]nd 'cause you mean that m[E]uch to me. [CHORUS] [E]Ain't too proud to b[B]eg [E] sweet d[B]arlin', [E]Please don't le[B]ave me d[E]on't you [B]go,...
INTRO: BARRE CHORDS LOW E STRING --0--1-- THEN: [F] C ----- STRUMMED SLOWLY 2x's [VERSE] [F] Well if you c[C]all this a life [Bb] Why [Bbm]must I spend it w[F]ith you If the s[C]how must ...
[INTRO] [F#] [VERSE 1] [F#]Well if you [F]call this a life [G#m] Why [Bm]must I [C#]spend [F#]mine with you? [F]If the show must go on [G#m] Let it g[Bm]o on with[F#]out you [F]So sick and [G#m]tired hang[D]ing around[C#] with j[F#]erks like you [F] [G#m] [Bm] [2nd Verse] [C#]Who'll ...
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