Queen chords

There are total 117 results.
[G]i went to the ukraine they don't have much to [C]eat no sugar on the [Am]table but the people stay [G]sweet [G]i've been to the third world they've got nothing but [C]hope through the starving and [Am]dying sometimes somehow they [G]cope it was a re[Am]velation - a reve[C]lation - a revelation...
[C]Ride the wild wind [Dm] Push the envelope don't sit on the fence [Bb]Ride the wild wind Live life on the razors edge Gonna [F/C]ride the whirlwind It ain't [C]dangerous Enough for [Dm]me [Dm]Get your head down baby We're gonna [C]ride tonight Your [Am]angel eyes are [G]shining bright...
Intro: Hm [VERSE] [Bm]Hey little babe you're changing, F#m(7) babe are you feeling sore?, It a[G/B]in't no use in pre[A/E]tend[E]ing you d[G]on't wanna [F#us2/F#] play no m[Bm]ore It's plain that you ain't no baby, what would your mother say, You're all dressed up like a lady, how c[G5]ome...
It[G] started o[D]ff so [Em7]well [G] They said we m[C]ade a per[G]fect p[Am]air [C]I clothed mys[D]elf in your gl[G]ory and your l[C]ove How i lo[G]ved you How i cr[D]ied... Th[Am]e years of care a[G]nd loy[C]alty Were n[Am]othing but a s[C]hame [G]it s[D]eems The ye[C]ars be[D]lie we li[G]ved...
[Ami] , [C] , [Dmi] , [F] , [G] (1) Back [Am]chat, back chat, you burn [C]all my energy Back [Dm]chat, back chat, criti[F]cizing all you see Back [Am]chat, back chat, ana[C]lyzing what I say Back [Dm]chat, back chat, & you [F]always get your way Oh yeah see what you've done to me Back chat,...
The harder we [C]play The faster we [Am]fall When we think that we know it all We know nothing at [G]all The letter ar[C]rives Like a bolt from the [Am]blue So what's left of your lives All your dreams lost to [G]you Say it ain't [F]true Say it to[C]day When I open my [Am]eyes Will it all go...
Intro – Am F C G [Am]Scandal - now you’ve left me all the world’s gonna [F]know [Am]Scandal - they’re gonna turn our lives into a freak [F]show They’ll see the h[A]eart ache,they’ll see the love [E]break They’ll hear me p[A]leading,we’ll say for god’s[E] sake [F]Over and ov[C]er...
[C]Seaside whenever you stroll along with me I'm merely contemplating [G]what you feel inside [Dm]Meanwhile I ask you to [Am]be my Clemen[G]tine You say you [C]will if you could but you can't [F]I [G]love [C]you ma[F]dly Let [Em]my imagi[F]nation run [Gm]away with you gladly A [C]brand new...
[D]Fear me you [G/D]lord and lady [D]preachers[G/D] [D]I descend upon your earth from the s[G]kies I command your very souls you unbel[D]ievers Bring be[Emi7]fore me what is [A7]mine The seven seas of [D]Rhye Can you [D]hear me you [G/D]peers and privy [D]councillors[G/D] [D]I stand before...
Intro: D A D A D A D A [D]I [A]love, [D] , [A] , [D] , [A]she makes[D] m[A]e [D] She is my [A]heart[D] , [A] , [D] she is my [C]love [G] She is my [A]love[D] , [A] , [D] , [A] [D] I k[A]now,[D] , [A] , [D] I'm jealou[A]s of her[D] , [A] [D] She makes me [A]need,[D] , [A] , [D] she is my [C]love...