Lizzy Mcalpine chords & sheets

There are total 6 results.
Intro: [Bb] [Eb] [Bb] [Eb] [Bb]Some days I’m l[Eb]onely, and [Bb]some days I’m [Eb]not, [Bb]Some days I am [Eb]only, a [Bb]little bit sad, not a [Eb]lot. [Bb]How do you, how do you, [Cm]make [Bb]a h[F]ome, [Bb]What to do, cus I never [Cm]stay [Bb]too [F]long, [Gm]Every house [F]looks the same...
Capo on 1st Fret Open A/then A Is Plucking A,D,G,B Strings Open Then Transitioning To A Regular A Chord [Cmaj7]It’s be[Cmaj7/E]en a long time [F]coming but, [Cmaj7]I’ve go[Cmaj7/E]tten use to th[F]e way it never sleeps, [Cmaj7]Don’t w[Cmaj7/E]ant to say I[F] love it but, [Cmaj7]I’ve...
[VERSE] [Em]Does this make sense to you[G] 'Cause it doesn't make [C]sense to me [Am] [Em]Does this have weight for yo[G]u 'Cause it doesn't have[C] weight for me And [Em]I think  my[D] mind is [C]far away [Am]Sorta strange, this i[Em]s But [Em]I think I'll[D] call yo[C]u anyway Call...
[INTRO] [C#] [F#] [VERSE 1] [C#]Why am I pulled to you And why does it never feel like[F#] I'm finished talking When we're finished talking[C#] Why am I pulled to you And why does it never feel ri[F#]ght To not pick up when you're calling [PRE-CHORUS] You k[G#]now me so w[F#]ell Even if...
[INTRO] [E] [A] (x2) [VERSE 1] [E]Oh, I’m headed to the m[A]ountains [E]I’ll be back in a we[A]ek or two [F#m]Don’t you try to [B]reach me 'cause I [E]won’t pick up for[A] you [F#m]I’ve got some things I need to [B7]do [INTERLUDE] [E] [A] (x2) Hmmmm [VERSE 2] [E]Oh I’m headed...
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