Jeffrey Glosenger chords & sheets

There are total 2 results.
[VERSE] [Ab]Know, that the[Db/Bb] Lord is [Db]God [Ab]Know, that the[Db/Bb] Lord is [Eb]God It is He who [Db]made us We are [Eb]His We are His [Db]people The sheep of His [Eb]field [CHORUS] [Ab]Enter His gates with thanks And His courts with [Db]praise Give [Ab]thanks to the Lord above And praise...
[VERSE] O [Am]God You are my [F]God And I will s[C]eek You earnest[G]ly O [Am]God You are my [F]God And I will s[C]eek You earnes[G]tly [PRECHORUS] My soul t[F]hirsts for [C]You My flesh [F]yearns for [C]You In a [Bb]dry and weary land Where there is no [F]water [CHORUS] [C]Thus I have seen You...
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