Youre Breaking My Heart chords

Transpose 0
Capo 2 (Recorder In F#)

[E]You're breaking my heart while you're hol[A]ding my hand
[E]You're crushing the life from my s[B7]oul
[E]My castles have tumbled you've sha[A]ttered my dreams
Now you're br[E]eaking a h[B7]eart made of g[E]old

You d[B7]on't have to t[F#]ell me that our lo[B7]ve's at an end
You're t[F#]rying to tell me good[B7]bye while you cry
You're ta[E]king a love and you k[A]now it can't mend
You're le[E]aving a love that won't [B7]die
I'm te[E]lling myself that you'll [A]be back again
But your l[E]ips tell me t[B7]his is a l[E]ie



[E]There's no way to measure the p[A]rice I will pay
For the f[E]ew months of Heaven I've k[B7]nown
My s[E]unshine will go leaving da[A]rkness I know
I'll be l[E]eft in this w[B7]orld all al[E]one

The [B7]roses that b[F#]loom on the h[B7]ill never will
The b[F#]irds that would sing on the h[B7]ill never will
You're br[E]eaking my heart while you're ho[A]lding my hand
You're cr[E]ushing the life from my [B7]soul
My ca[E]stles have tumbled you've sh[A]attered my dreams
Now you're b[E]reaking a h[B7]eart made of g[E]old
Used chords