What A Beautiful Name Break Every Chain chords

Trans. 0
Y[E]ou were the Word at the beginning
One With G[A]od the Lord[C#m] Most Hi[B]gh
[C#m]Your hidden glory in crea[E]tion
Now rev[A]ealed in You [C#m]Our Chri[B]st

What a beautiful Name it [E]is, what a beautiful Name it [B]is
The Name of Je[C#m]sus Chr[B]ist my Kin[A]g
What a beautiful Name it[E/G#] is, nothing compares to t[B]his
What a beautiful Name it [C#m]is, the Na[B]me of Jes[A]us

Y[E]ou didn't want heaven without us
So Jesus Y[A]ou brought h[C#m]eaven do[B]wn
[C#m]My sin was great, Your [B]love was grea[E]ter
What could [A]sepera[C#m]te us n[B]ow

What a wonderful Name it [E]is, what a wonderful Name it[B] is
The Name of Je[C#m]sus Chri[B]st my Ki[A]ng
What a wonderful Name i[E/G#]t is, nothing compares to t[B]his
What a wonderful Name it[C#m] is, the Na[B]me of Jes[A]us
What a wonderful Name it[C#m] is, the Na[B]me of Jes[A]us

[A] [B] [C#m] [E]
[A] [B] [C#m] [G#m]

Death could not hold [A]You, the veil tore before[B] You
You silenced the [C#m]boast of sin and [B]grave
The heavens are ro[A]aring, the praise of Your g[B]lory
For You are ra[C#m]ised to life a[B]gain
You have no ri[A]val, You have no eq[B]ual
Now and for[C#m]ever God you re[B]ign
Yours is the Kin[A]gdom, Yours is the gl[B]ory
Yours is the [C#m]Name above all na[B]mes

What a powerful Name it i[E]s, What a powerful Name it i[B]s
The Name of Je[C#m]sus Chri[B]st my Ki[A]ng
What a powerful Name it[E/G#] is, Nothing can stand agai[B]nst
What a powerful Name it [C#m]is, The Nam[B]e of Jesu[A]s
What a powerful Name it [C#m]is, the na[B]me of Jesu[A]s

(Break Every Chain)
There is P[C#m]ower in t[A]he name of Jesu[E]s [B] (x3)
To break every [C#m]chain, break every c[A]hain, break every c[E]hain [B] (x2)
[Repeat x4]
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