We Pledge To One Another chords
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[G]We pl[C]edge to one an[G]other,
bef[C]ore the Lord [D]ab[Em]ove,
(D) [C] [Am] [G]
entire and whole and perfect,
this u[C]nion of our l[G]ove —
[D] (Em) [D]
a love that will be patient,
(G) [D] (G) [C]
a love that will be wise,
[Am]that w[Em]ill not twist w[C]ith [G]envy,
nor l[C]ose itself [Em]in l[D]ies;
[D]a l[C]ove that w[D]ill not f[G]alter,
[D]a l[C]ove to hold [D]us f[Em]ast,
[D]and b[C]ind us t[D]o each o[G]ther
as l[C]ong as life s[Am]hall l[G]ast.
[G]We pr[C]ay that God will g[G]uide us
through a[C]ll the years [D]to [Em]be,
(D) [C] [Am] [G]
our lives be shaped by courage,
hope [C]and sereni[G]ty.
[D] (Em) [D]
Through joy and celebration,
(G) [D] (G) [C]
through loneliness and pain,
[Am]may lo[Em]yalty, c[C]omp[G]assion
and t[C]enderness r[Em]ema[D]in,
[D]that th[C]ose who sh[D]are the bl[G]essing
of l[C]ove that cann[D]ot c[Em]ease
m[D]ay w[C]alk the p[D]aths of g[G]entleness
in[C]to the place [Am]of pe[G]ace.
[G]We pl[C]edge to one an[G]other,
bef[C]ore the Lord [D]ab[Em]ove,
(D) [C] [Am] [G]
entire and whole and perfect,
this u[C]nion of our l[G]ove —
[D] (Em) [D]
a love that will be patient,
(G) [D] (G) [C]
a love that will be wise,
[Am]that w[Em]ill not twist w[C]ith [G]envy,
nor l[C]ose itself [Em]in l[D]ies;
[D]a l[C]ove that w[D]ill not f[G]alter,
[D]a l[C]ove to hold [D]us f[Em]ast,
[D]and b[C]ind us t[D]o each o[G]ther
as l[C]ong as life s[Am]hall l[G]ast.
[G]We pr[C]ay that God will g[G]uide us
through a[C]ll the years [D]to [Em]be,
(D) [C] [Am] [G]
our lives be shaped by courage,
hope [C]and sereni[G]ty.
[D] (Em) [D]
Through joy and celebration,
(G) [D] (G) [C]
through loneliness and pain,
[Am]may lo[Em]yalty, c[C]omp[G]assion
and t[C]enderness r[Em]ema[D]in,
[D]that th[C]ose who sh[D]are the bl[G]essing
of l[C]ove that cann[D]ot c[Em]ease
m[D]ay w[C]alk the p[D]aths of g[G]entleness
in[C]to the place [Am]of pe[G]ace.
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