Todays Lonely Fool chords

Trans. 0
[D] [A] G, [Bm] [A] [G]

[D]What would you say if I t[G]old you, I was s[D]orry [G]
and that I've c[D]ome to realize,[G] life means nothing without [A]you[Bm] [A]
Would you t[D]ake my hand,[G] would you forgive this man
[D]for ever doubting your love was t[G]rue
and could you f[E7]ind it in your heart to let me [G]try and make it [A]up to y[D]ou [G]

Yesterd[A]ay a jealous[D] m[A]an[G] , today a lo[D]nely fo[A]ol[G]
I let love slip right through my [D]ha[A]nd[G]s with all the hurt I've handed [A]you[Bm] [A]
I gotta stop your love from[G] dying[A] or I'll be living p[Bm]roof [G]
[A] [D] [A] G, [Bm] [A] [G]
that yesterday's jealous man is today's lonely fool

[D]Darling from now [G]on I'll be proud[D] when other men notice you [G]
instead of g[D]etting mean and loud,[G] like I u[A]sed to do[Bm] [A]
Find some [D]mercy in your heart, then[G] we'll make another start [D]
at the love that we once k[G]new
I won't h[E7]urt you anymore, I'm gonna [G]trust you now and n[A]ever question y[D]ou [G]

Tag twice; I'm today's lonely [D]fo[A]ol[G]
Today's lo[D]nely [A]foo[G]l [D]
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