Thy Strong Word chords
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[Em]Thy strong w[C]ord did c[D]leave the d[Em]arkness;
[G]At Thy sp[Em]eaking [D]it was [Em]done.
[Em]For cre[C]ated l[D]ight we th[Em]ank Thee,
[G]While Thine [Em]ordered s[D]easons [Em]run.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]Praise to T[A]hee who l[Em]ight dost s[B7]end!
[C]Alle[D]lui[A]a, [Bm]allel[Em]uia!
[G]Alle[Bm]luia w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Em]Lo, on th[C]ose who dw[D]elt in d[Em]arkness,
[G]Dark as n[Em]ight and d[D]eep as d[Em]eath,
[Em]Broke the l[C]ight of T[D]hy salv[Em]ation,
[G]Breathed Thine [Em]own life-b[D]reathing b[Em]reath.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]Praise to T[A]hee who l[Em]ight dost s[B7]end!
[C]Alle[D]lui[A]a, [Bm]allel[Em]uia!
[G]Alle[Bm]luia w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Em]Thy strong W[C]ord besp[D]eaks us r[Em]ighteous;
[G]Bright with T[Em]hine own [D]holin[Em]ess,
[Em]Glorious n[C]ow, we p[D]ress toward g[Em]lory,
[G]And our [Em]lives our h[D]opes con[Em]fess.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]Praise to T[A]hee who l[Em]ight dost s[B7]end!
[C]Alle[D]lui[A]a, [Bm]allel[Em]uia!
[G]Alle[Bm]luia w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Em]From the c[C]ross Thy w[D]isdom s[Em]hining
[G]Breaketh f[Em]orth in c[D]onquEring [Em]might;
[Em]From the c[C]ross for[D]ever b[Em]eameth
[G]All Thy b[Em]right red[D]eeming [Em]light.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]Praise to T[A]hee who l[Em]ight dost s[B7]end!
[C]Alle[D]lui[A]a, [Bm]allel[Em]uia!
[G]Alle[Bm]luia w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Vese 5]
[Em]Give us l[C]ips to s[D]ing Thy g[Em]lory,
[G]Tongues Thy [Em]mercy [D]to proc[Em]laim,
[Em]Throats that s[C]hout the h[D]ope that f[Em]ills us,
[G]Mouths to sp[Em]eak Thy h[D]oly n[Em]ame.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]May the l[A]ight which T[Em]hou dost s[B7]end
[C]Fill our s[D]ongs w[A]ith [Bm]alle[Em]luias,
[G]Allel[Bm]uias w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Em]God the F[C]ather, l[D]ight-cre[Em]ator,
[G]To Thee l[Em]aud and [D]honor [Em]be.
[Em]To Thee, L[C]ight of L[D]ight be[Em]gotten,
[G]Praise be s[Em]ung et[D]ernal[Em]ly.
[G]Holy S[D]pirit, [Em]light-rev[D]ealer,
[Em]Glory, gl[A]ory [Em]be to T[B7]hee.
[C]Mortals, [D]ang[A]els, [Bm]now and e[Em]ver
[G]Praise the [Bm]holy T[A]rin[D]it[Em]y!
[Em]Thy strong w[C]ord did c[D]leave the d[Em]arkness;
[G]At Thy sp[Em]eaking [D]it was [Em]done.
[Em]For cre[C]ated l[D]ight we th[Em]ank Thee,
[G]While Thine [Em]ordered s[D]easons [Em]run.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]Praise to T[A]hee who l[Em]ight dost s[B7]end!
[C]Alle[D]lui[A]a, [Bm]allel[Em]uia!
[G]Alle[Bm]luia w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Em]Lo, on th[C]ose who dw[D]elt in d[Em]arkness,
[G]Dark as n[Em]ight and d[D]eep as d[Em]eath,
[Em]Broke the l[C]ight of T[D]hy salv[Em]ation,
[G]Breathed Thine [Em]own life-b[D]reathing b[Em]reath.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]Praise to T[A]hee who l[Em]ight dost s[B7]end!
[C]Alle[D]lui[A]a, [Bm]allel[Em]uia!
[G]Alle[Bm]luia w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Em]Thy strong W[C]ord besp[D]eaks us r[Em]ighteous;
[G]Bright with T[Em]hine own [D]holin[Em]ess,
[Em]Glorious n[C]ow, we p[D]ress toward g[Em]lory,
[G]And our [Em]lives our h[D]opes con[Em]fess.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]Praise to T[A]hee who l[Em]ight dost s[B7]end!
[C]Alle[D]lui[A]a, [Bm]allel[Em]uia!
[G]Alle[Bm]luia w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Em]From the c[C]ross Thy w[D]isdom s[Em]hining
[G]Breaketh f[Em]orth in c[D]onquEring [Em]might;
[Em]From the c[C]ross for[D]ever b[Em]eameth
[G]All Thy b[Em]right red[D]eeming [Em]light.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]Praise to T[A]hee who l[Em]ight dost s[B7]end!
[C]Alle[D]lui[A]a, [Bm]allel[Em]uia!
[G]Alle[Bm]luia w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Vese 5]
[Em]Give us l[C]ips to s[D]ing Thy g[Em]lory,
[G]Tongues Thy [Em]mercy [D]to proc[Em]laim,
[Em]Throats that s[C]hout the h[D]ope that f[Em]ills us,
[G]Mouths to sp[Em]eak Thy h[D]oly n[Em]ame.
[G]Allel[D]uia, [Em]allel[D]uia!
[Em]May the l[A]ight which T[Em]hou dost s[B7]end
[C]Fill our s[D]ongs w[A]ith [Bm]alle[Em]luias,
[G]Allel[Bm]uias w[A]ith[D]out [Em]end!
[Em]God the F[C]ather, l[D]ight-cre[Em]ator,
[G]To Thee l[Em]aud and [D]honor [Em]be.
[Em]To Thee, L[C]ight of L[D]ight be[Em]gotten,
[G]Praise be s[Em]ung et[D]ernal[Em]ly.
[G]Holy S[D]pirit, [Em]light-rev[D]ealer,
[Em]Glory, gl[A]ory [Em]be to T[B7]hee.
[C]Mortals, [D]ang[A]els, [Bm]now and e[Em]ver
[G]Praise the [Bm]holy T[A]rin[D]it[Em]y!
Used chords
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