The Love I Found In You chords
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Intro [E] xxx - [B/Eb] xxxxxx -[C#m]xxxxx
I[A] xxx [B] xxx
You are the air I Need to breathe
the river of lif[E]exx inside of me [C#m] xxxxx
you are the half tha[F#m]txxxx made me whole [B] xxx
you are the anchor of m[A]yxx soul [E] xxx
and you are strong when[A] xxx I am weak [B] xxx [C#m] xxxxx
you are the words wh[F#m]enxxx I can't sp[B]eakx [E] xxx
you never fail t[A]oxx see me thr[B]oughx [C#m] xxxxx
[A] xxx [Am] xxxx [E] xxx Intro
that's the love I found in you
II[A] xxx [B] xxx
you are my shelter from the storm
you are the road[E] thatx leads me home [C#m] xxxxx
and baby with you[F#m] xxxxx here face to face [B] xxx
Oh I know I've[A] xxx found my place [E] xxx
and you are strong wh[A]enx I am wea[B]kxx [C#m] xxxxx
you are the words wh[F#m]enxxx I can't s[B]peakx [E] xxx
you never fail to[A] xxx see me [B] xxx through [C#m] xxxxx
that's the love[A] Ixx fo[Am]undx in you [E] xxx
[A]andx once in every life
you[E] findx the one that's right [C#m] xxxxx
and when[F#m] xxxxx you say forever it's [B] xxx true [E] xxx
That's the lo[A]vex [Am] Ixxx found in [E] youx
You are the air I Need to breathe
the river of lif
you are the half tha
you are the anchor of m
and you are strong when
you are the words wh
you never fail t
that's the love I found in you
you are my shelter from the storm
you are the road
and baby with you
Oh I know I've
and you are strong wh
you are the words wh
you never fail to
that's the love
and when
That's the lo