Testify chords
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[D] xxx [Bm] xxxx [D] xxx [Bm] xxxx [G] xxx
For[D] anyonex who’s ever seen the mountain of their sins just dis[Bm]appear.x
For[D] anyonex who’s ever felt the hand of Heaven reach down throug[Bm]hxxx their fears and dry their tears.
For any l[G]ifex that once was empty now finds itself alive and full of song[Bm]s,xx victory songs.
Then you’l[G]lxx understand the reason for the way the saints of God may carry [D] xxx on.
When I sh[G]outx know I’m shouting, from a heart that’s been washed clean.
When I r[D]unx know I’m running, from a past that’s been redeemed.
To the wo[G]rldx it might look crazy, there’s just no telling what you’re gonna [Bm] doxx
In that mo[G]mentx Jesus [G/A] getsx ahold of y [D] ou.x
[D] xxx [D] xxx [G] xxx
For[D] anyonex who knows the hope that keeps them moving on through trouble[Bm]dxxx days.
For[D] anyonex who knows they have a future and a hope beyon[Bm]dxxx the grave.
Every li[G]fe’sx a different story how He brought us out of darkness int[Bm]oxxx light.
There’s no w[G]ayx to keep us silent, every breath’s another chance to tes[D]tify.x
When I sh[G]outx know I’m shouting, from a heart that’s been washed clean.
When I r[D]unx know I’m running, from a past that’s been redeemed.
To the wo[G]rldx it might look crazy, there’s just no telling what you’re gonna [Bm] doxx
In that mo[G]mentx Jesus [G/A] getsx ahold of y[D]ou.x
My[Bm] pastx erased, my na[G]mex He changed, let’s tes[D]tify.x
My[Bm] pastx erased, my na[G]mex He changed, let’s tes [D] tifyx [D] xxx . [A/C#] xxxxxx
When I sh[G]outx know I’m shouting from a heart that’s been washed clean.
When I r[D]unx know I’m running from a past that’s been redeemed.
To the wo[G]rldx it might look crazy, there’s just no telling what you’re gonna [Bm] doxx
In that mo[G]mentx Jesus [G/A] getsx ahold [D] xxx of you [D] xxx . [A/C#] xxxxxx
My p[Bm]astx erased, my n[G]amex He changed, let’s tes [D] tifyx [D] xxx . [A/C#] xxxxxx
My p[Bm]astx erased, my name He changed, let’s tes[D]tify.x
For any l
Then you’l
When I sh
When I r
To the wo
In that mo
Every li
There’s no w
When I sh
When I r
To the wo
In that mo
When I sh
When I r
To the wo
In that mo
My p
My p