Take My Life And Let It Be chords

Trans. 0
Intro: [C] [F] [G] [C]

[C]Take my life and [F]let i[G]t [C]be [Am7]consec[F]rated, L[Gsus]ord, to T[C]hee.
[C]Take m[Gsus]y moment[F]s and[C] my days, Let them f[F]low [C]in e[G]ndl[F]es[C]s pr[G]aise.
[Am]Let t[G]hem fl[C]ow i[F]n e[C]ndl[G]ess pr[C]aise

[C]Take my hands and l[F]et t[G]hem mo[C]ve [Am]at the im[F]pulse [Gsus]of Thy [C]love,
[C]Take my f[Gsus]eet and [F]let them [C]be swift and [F]beau-[C]ti-f[G]ul [F]fo[C]r Th[G]ee.
[Am]swift [G]and b[C]eau-[F]ti-[C]ful f[G]or Th[C]ee

[C]Take my voice and [F]let me[G] si[C]ng [Am7]always, [F]only, [Gsus]for my [C]King,
[C]Take my l[Gsus]ips and [F]let them [C]be filled with m[F]es[C]sa-[G]ges [F]for [C]The[G]e.
[Am]filled w[G]ith m[C]ess[F]a-g[C]es f[G]or T[C]hee

[C]Take my silver [F]and m[G]y go[C]ld,[Am7] not a m[F]ite would [Gsus]I with--[C]hold,
[C]Take my [Gsus]intellec[F]t and us[C]e, every [F]powe[C]r a[G]s T[F]hou [C]choo[G]se
[Am]every po[G]wer a[C]s T[F]hou[C] cho[G]ose [C]

[C]Take my will and [F]make i[G]t T[C]hine, [Am7]it shall [F]be no [Gsus]longer mi[C]ne
[C]Take my [Gsus]heart it[F] is Thin[C]e own. It shall [F]be T[C]hy [G]ro-[F]yal [C]thro[G]ne
[Am]It sh[G]all b[C]e T[F]hy [C]ro-y[G]al t[C]hrone

[C]Take my love, my [F]God, [G]I p[C]our a[Am7]t Thy f[F]eet its t[Gsus]reasure s[C]tore;
[C]Take my [Gsus]self and[F] I will [C]be ever, [F]only[C] , a[G]ll [F]for [C]Thee[G] ,
[Am]Eve[G]r, [C]onl[F]y a[C]ll f[G]or T[C]hee.

ending: [C] [F] [G] [C]
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