Steel Drivin Man chords

Transpose 0


[Em] [D] [C]


[G]Billy was a hard workin', steel drivin' man
Working on the [D]rail ever[G]yday

7 days a week and 16 hours a day
Hoping he would [D]find a better[G] way

He saw many of his friends fall to the ground
And die an ugly [D]death on the [G]rail

Unmarked graves all along his way
Haunt Billy in his [D]mind every[G]day


So Billy [Em]let your hammer ring on that railroad track

Keep rolling your load and never look back
Keep [A]singing your song, slowly as you go
If d[B7]eath comes creeping don't let it take your [E]soul [D] [C]


[G] [D] [G] [D] [G]
[Em] [A] [B7] [E] [D] [C]


[G]Billy keeps swinging his hammer all day
While fearing of a [D]cold dark [G]grave

Seen many men die right before his eyes
To this day Billy [D]still hears their [G]cry


So Billy [Em]let your hammer ring on that railroad track

Keep rolling your load and never look back
Keep [A]singing your song, slowly as you go
If [G7]death comes creeping don't let it take your [E]soul [D] [C]


[G] [D] [G] [D] [G]
[Em] [A] [B7] [E] [D] [C]


So Billy l[Em]et your hammer ring on that railroad track

Keep rolling your load and never look back
Keep s[A]inging your song, slowly as you go
If d[B7]eath comes creeping don't let it take your [Em]soul [D] [C]


[G] [Em] [D] [G] [G]
Used chords