Star Spangled Banner chords
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Oh, s[Ab]ay can [Ab/G]you s[Fm]ee [C7/E] by the d[Fm]awn's ea[Bb7]rly l[Ebsus4]ight [Eb]
What so pro[Ab]udly [Ab/C]we h[Eb]aile[Eb/Db]d at the twil[Ab]ight's last gleaming?
Whose broad st[Ab]ripes and bright s[Abaug]tars [Ab6] through the [Ab6]peril[Bb7]ous [Ebsus4] fight [Eb]
O[Ebsus4/C]'er the ra[Fm/Db]mparts we w[C7sus4]atched [C7] were so g[Fm7]allant[Eb7]ly str[Ab]eaming?
[Ab/Eb] [Ab/D] [Ebsus4/Db] [Dbm6] Gmb5/C
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air
[C7b9] FmMaj7 [C7sus4] [C7] [Fm7] [Bb7] [Eb7sus4] [Eb7]
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there
[Ab]Oh, say does that s[C#]tar-span[C#/C]gled b[Bbm]anner yet [Ebsus4]wave [Eb]
O'er the l[Ab]and [Ebsus4/C] of the[Ebsus4/Db] free
and the h[Ab]ome [Eb7]of the [E]br[F#]ave[Ab] ?
What so pro[Ab]udly [Ab/C]we h[Eb]aile[Eb/Db]d at the twil[Ab]ight's last gleaming?
Whose broad st[Ab]ripes and bright s[Abaug]tars [Ab6] through the [Ab6]peril[Bb7]ous [Ebsus4] fight [Eb]
O[Ebsus4/C]'er the ra[Fm/Db]mparts we w[C7sus4]atched [C7] were so g[Fm7]allant[Eb7]ly str[Ab]eaming?
[Ab/Eb] [Ab/D] [Ebsus4/Db] [Dbm6] Gmb5/C
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air
[C7b9] FmMaj7 [C7sus4] [C7] [Fm7] [Bb7] [Eb7sus4] [Eb7]
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there
[Ab]Oh, say does that s[C#]tar-span[C#/C]gled b[Bbm]anner yet [Ebsus4]wave [Eb]
O'er the l[Ab]and [Ebsus4/C] of the[Ebsus4/Db] free
and the h[Ab]ome [Eb7]of the [E]br[F#]ave[Ab] ?
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