Somebodys Hero chords
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[Am] xxxx [C] xxx [G5] xxxx
[Am] xxxx [C] xxx [G5] xxxx
[Am] xxxx She's never pul[C]ledx anyone from a [G5] burningx [G] buildingx
[Am] xxxx She's never ro[C]ckedx Central Park to [G5] xxxx a half a mi[G]llionx [Fsus2] fans,xx
screaming out her name, She's never[C/F] hitxx a shot to win the game
[Am] xxxx She's never lef[C]txx her footprint[G5]s__x on the [G] moon_x
[Am] She'sx never made [C] axx solo hot a[G]irx balloon rid[Fsus2]e___,xx around the world,
[C]No,x she's just your [F] everydayx average [C] girlx (but)
[C] xxx She's_[G]__x somebody's h[Am]erox
A[C/F] herox to her ba[C]byx with a skinned [G] xxx up knee,
[Am]Axxx little kiss is al[C/F]lxxxx she needs [C] xxx
[C]Thex keep[G]erx of the ch[Am]eeriosx
The[C/F] voicex that brings Snow Wh[C]itex to life, Be[G]dtimex stories ev[Am]eryx night
And that[C/F] smilex lets her kn[C]ow,x oh [G] oh,x oh [F] oh,x
She's somebody's[Am7] herox [C] xxx [G5] xxxx Oh_________
[Am]Shex didn't get a chec[C]kxx every week like a [G5] ninex to f[G]iverx
[Am]Butx she's been a wait[C]er,x and a cook and a [G5] xxxx taxi dri[G]verx
For twenty[F] years,x there at home, u[C/G]ntilx the day her girl was grown
[Am] xxxx Giving all her love [C] xxx to her was her [G5] xxxx life's ambi [G] tionx
[Am] xxxx But now her baby's m[C]ovin'x on, and she'll [G5] xxxx soon be m[G]issin'x her [F] xxx
But not today, those are t[F]earsx of joy runnin' down her f [C] acex
[C] xxx She'[G]sxx somebody's h[Am]erox
A[C/F] herox to her da[C]ughterx in her we[G]ddingx dress,
[Am]Shex gave her wings to leave [C/F] xxxxx the nest[C]xxx
It hurts[G] tox let her b[Am]abyx go
[F]downx the aisle she [C] walksx right by, Looks [G] backx into her [Am] mother'sx eyes
And that[F] smilex lets her know [C] xxx , oh oh, [G] xxx oh oh, [C/F] xxxxx
She's somebody's[D] herox
Thirty[F] xxx years have flown right past
Her[D] daughters'x starin' at [F] allx the photographs
Of her mo[D]ther,x and she wishes [F] shex could be like that
[G]Oh,x but she already is [Fsus2] xxxxxxx
[C]She'sx some[G]body'sx hero [Am] xxxx
[C/F]Axxxx hero to her [C] motherx in a r[G/B]ockin'x chair,
She r[Am]unsx a brush through her
[C/F]silverx hair[C]xxx
[C]Thex e[G]nvyx of the nu[Am]rsingx home
[C/F]Shexx drops by every af[C]ternoon,x F[G/B]eedsx her mama wit[Am]hxxx a spoon
And that[C/F] smilex lets her [C] know,x oh [G] oh,x oh [C/F] ohxxx
Her mother's smile lets her[C] know,x oh [G] oh,x oh [C/F] oh,xx She's somebody's hero
screaming out her name, She's never
And that
She's somebody's
For twenty
But not today, those are t
It hurts
And that
She's somebody's
Of her mo
She r
And that
Her mother's smile lets her
Used chords