Sick And Tired chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Cardigans
[Em]Sick, t[B]ired and h[Em]omeless
with [F#]no one here to s[B]ing for
[Em]tired [B]of being w[Em]eightless
for [F#]all these looking g[B]ood boys [Em]

[C]You can a[D]lways say my a[G]ttic has its ch[Em]arm
[C]You can a[D]lways say you d[G]id no major h[Em]arm

You can always say that summer had its charm

and that you did no major harm
oh, spare me if you please

[Em]Sick, t[B]ired and sl[Em]eepless
with n[F#]o one else to sh[B]ine for
[Em]sick of [B]all my d[Em]istress
but [F#]I won't show I'm st[B]ill poor [Em]

Symptoms are so deep
something here's so wrong
nothing is complete
nowhere to belong
aymptoms are so deep
I think I'd better stay
here on my own
so spare me if you please

Peace 0ut¨
Used chords