Route 23 chords

Transpose 0
[D] [F#m] [G] [A] [D]

[D]Well I spent my whole life since I was [G]high as a kne[D]e
By th[D]at two-lane blacktop they call R[A]oute 23
My da[D]ddy ran a service station
And the p[G]umps they did sh[D]ine
I'd wa[D]tch him wash the wind[F#m]shields, keep the ol[G]d look to that m[D]ind

Well the da[D]ys they were long, but the m[G]oney was g[D]ood
The [D]only things that changed were the seasons and the sh[A]apes of the hoods
'Til the g[D]overnment came on the radio in l[G]ate '[D]55
Said the s[D]tate's gonna build a new h[F#m]ighway
One that's f[G]ast, smooth and [D]wide

With that new h[G]ighway, no one s[Bm]tops here any[D]more
An[D]d you can't make li[G]ving without sw[D]inging that d[A]oor
The s[D]ign by the roadside still sa[G]ys "Come On I[D]n"
But the b[F#m]ulbs are long since burnt out, not to l[G]ight up a[D]gain

Now da[D]ddy was as stubborn as a m[G]ule in the s[D]now
He said, "G[D]ood folks return to the places that they k[A]now"
But after the [D]gravel arrived and those st[G]eamrollers wh[D]ined
All those g[D]ood folks left me and [F#m]daddy
And those t[G]wo lanes beh[D]ind

With that new h[G]ighway, no one s[Bm]tops here any[D]more
An[D]d you can't make li[G]ving without sw[D]inging that d[A]oor
The s[D]ign by the roadside still sa[G]ys "Come On I[D]n"
But the b[F#m]ulbs are long since burnt out, not to l[G]ight up a[D]gain

[D] [D] [F#m] [G] [G] [G] [A] [D]

Now the c[D]alendar on the wall still reads 1[G]9 and [D]75
No one cr[D]ossed out the day that my daddy di[A]ed
We la[D]id him in the ground 'neath that old sy[G]camore t[D]ree
That sha[D]des a boarded up gas s[F#m]tation... out on R[G]oute [D]23

With that new h[G]ighway, no one s[Bm]tops here any[D]more
An[D]d you can't make li[G]ving without sw[D]inging that d[A]oor
The s[D]ign by the roadside still sa[G]ys "Come On I[D]n"
But the b[F#m]ulbs are long since burnt out, not to l[G]ight up a[D]gain

Yeah, the b[F#m]ulbs are long since burnt out, not to l[G]ight up a[D]gain
Used chords