Roland The Roadie And Gertrude The Groupie chords

Trans. 0

Now Roland the roadie was only a toadie,

Who set up the lights and the mics for the shows

And Gertrude the groupie was a rock and roll fan,

Who stood by the stage door in the rains and the snows.

First Verse

[G#]Roland the roadie met [C#]Gertrude the groupie
[C#]At a [G#]rock concert back in Ba[D#]yonne
[D#]He [G#]tried to seduce her,
[C#]Said he'd introduce her to [D#]all of the Beatles and [G#]Stones

Second Verse

[G#]So Roland the roadie got [C#]Gertrude the groupie
[C#]A [G#]seat in the balcony a[D#]bove
[D#]And [G#]Gertrude the groupie felt [C#]grateful and groovy
[C#]But[D#] Roland the roadie felt [G#]love


[G#]And [D#]some folks loves ham hocks
[D#]And [C#]some folks loves pork chops
[C#]And [G#]some folks love vegetable [D#]soup
[D#]But Roland the roadie loves [C#]Gertrude the groupie,

But Gertrude the groupie loves groups

Third Verse

[G#]She stood up and screamed as the [C#]amber spot gleamed
[C#]On her [G#]heroes so skinny and [D#]tall
[D#]With their [G#]eyelids so droopy,
[G#]And[C#] Gertrude the [D#]groupie and she was in love with them [G#]all

Fourth Verse

[G#]Roland the roadie told [C#]Gertrude the groupie
[C#]To [G#]wait and he'd be her [D#]man
[G#]But while he dreamed of a [C#]rose covered home
[C#]She was [D#]out with the group in the [G#]van


[C#]Hey Gertie[G#] , Gertie,
[G#]Come on babe, come on out of there....I know you're [B]in there...
[B]The whole trailer's moving[G#] baby....What about [B]me.[G#] ...Gertie... Oh, [A]Gertie?

Fifth Verse

[A]Now Roland the roadie is [D]back on the road,
[D]His [A]heart has been broken ag[E]ain
[E]And [A]Gertrude the groupie waits [D]out in the cold
[D]For the [E]very next group to come [A]in


[A]And [E]some folks loves ham hocks
[E]And [D]some folks loves pork chops
[D]And [A]some folks loves vegetable [E]soup
[E]And [B]Roland the roadie loves [D]Gertrude the groupie,
[D]But [C#]Gertrude the [B]groupie loves [A]groups
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