Real Estate chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Boy And Bear
[E]Such a [G#m]fool, I'v[D]e been only running scared.
[E]I use my con[G#m]scious, as a way to g[D]et through
[E]While all my fri[G#m]ends, were dr[D]ifting the glow of love lights and tanger[E]ine
all my fo[G#m]rtunes came [D]true

but [Bm]oh, I've had something on my[D] mind these days
it's cornered me[F#m] this time, but [E]I can't say it in front of you so
[Bm]Maybe I'm just not tha[D]t kind of guy, god only k[F#m]nows I've tried
I'm a [E]feather [D]made of stone
in a ha[E]t you h[D]ad forgotten
You'll be swimm[E]ing all[D] alone
when it d[E]rags you to the [D]bottom of the ocean floor

[E] , [G#m] , [D]
[E] , [C#m] , [D]

[E]Flowin[G#m]g down[D] three rows of fine wine and savourie[E]s
conv[C#m]ersation to skittle m[D]y view
[E]but I'm so tire[G#m]d of talkin[D]g about of the price of real estate
You better h[E]ead back down to w[G#m]here you came t[D]hrough

and [Bm]oh, I've had something on m[D]y mind these these days
It's warning me [F#m]this time, see [E]it don't mean much when you're alone so
[Bm]I guess I'm gonna take my [D]time
I'll whistle and I'll [F#m]wine
for the w[E]eight of something [D]more
I'll [E]tear it up i[D]n pieces
till my ha[E]nds ar[D]e red and raw
Till it dr[E]ags me to the [D]bottom of the ocean floor

[E] , [C#m] , [D]
[E] , [G#m] , [D] X2
Used chords