People Make The World Go Round chords
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Tuning: Standard
Em9 079777
Am7 x02010
Cmaj11/F 132000
Bm7 x24232
Gmaj7 x 10 12 11 12 x
F#m7 x 9 11 9 10 x
Cmaj7 8x998x
Bm7 797777
Am7 575555
Intro: Em9
[Em9]Trashmenx didn't get my trash today
Oh, why[Am7] xxxxx ? Because they [Cmaj7] wantxxx more [Em9] payxx
Buses on strike want a raise in fare
So the[Am7]yxxxx can help poll[Cmaj7]utexxxx the [Em9] airxx
But tha[Am7]t'sxx what makes the w[Bm7]orldx g[Am7]oxxxx 'round
The up and downs, a[Cmaj11/F] carouselxx
C[Am7] hangingx people's [Bm7] headsx a[Am7]roundx
Go underground young[F] manx [B] xxx
[Gmaj7]Peo--- x [F#m]plexx [Cmaj7] makexxx [Bm7] thexx [Am7] worldx go [Em9] 'roundx
[Em9] Wallx Street losin' dough on ev'ry share
They're bl[Am7]amingx it on [Cmaj7] longerx [Em9] hairx
Big men smokin' in their easy chairs
On a[Am7] fatxx cigar with[Cmaj7]outxxxx a c[Em9]arexx
But[Am7] that'sx what makes the [Bm7] worldx go '[Am7]roundx
The up and downs, a[Cmaj11/F] carouselxx
C[Am7] hangingx people's [Bm7] headsx a[Am7]roundx
Go underground young m[F]anx [B] xxx
[Gmaj7]Peo--- x [F#m7]plexxx [Cmaj7] makexxx [Bm7] thexx [Am7] worldx go '[Em9]roundx
(solo over verse progression)
But that[Am7]'sxxx what makes the w[Bm7]orldx go '[Am7]roundx
The up and downs, a[Cmaj11/F] carouselxx
C[Am7] hangingx people's [Bm7] headsx a[Am7]roundx
Go underground young[F] manx [B] xxx
[Gmaj7]Peo--- x [F#m7]plexxx [Cmaj7] makexxx [Bm7] thexx [Am7] worldx go '[Em9]roundx
[Gmaj7]Peo--- x [F#m7]plexxx [Cmaj7] makexxx [Bm7] thexx [Am7] worldx go '[Em9]roundx
[Gmaj7]Peo--- x [F#m7]plexxx [Cmaj7] makexxx [Bm7] thexx [Am7] worldx go '[Em9]roundx
[Gmaj7]Peo--- x [F#m7]plexxx [Cmaj7] makexxx [Bm7] thexx [Am7] worldx go '[Em9]roundx
[Gmaj7]Peo--- x [F#m7]plexxx [Cmaj7] makexxx [Bm7] thexx [Am7] worldx go '[Em9]roundx
Em9 079777
Am7 x02010
Cmaj11/F 132000
Bm7 x24232
Gmaj7 x 10 12 11 12 x
F#m7 x 9 11 9 10 x
Cmaj7 8x998x
Bm7 797777
Am7 575555
Intro: Em9
Oh, why
Buses on strike want a raise in fare
So the
But tha
The up and downs, a
Go underground young
They're bl
Big men smokin' in their easy chairs
On a
The up and downs, a
Go underground young m
(solo over verse progression)
But that
The up and downs, a
Go underground young
Used chords