Past chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Citizens
[F#] [A] [B] (x4)

[F#]Time is a w[A]orld un[B]to its[F#]elf
Just a gr[A]aceless r[B]inging [F#]bell
You try to b[A]uy but [B]it won't [F#]sell
Straight down the tr[A]ack, no going b[B]ack

[F#]Life is just a br[A]eath bef[B]ore the g[F#]round
The sun is [A]up then r[B]ushes [F#]down
Is there a [A]purpose [B]to be [F#]found?
Straight down the t[A]rack, no going [B]back

[D] Can't make it s[E]top
Can't slow it d[F#]own

Nothing to do but let it push me around
[D] I can't keep it s[E]till
I can't turn it [F#]back

Barely a blink before it's all in the past
[D] [E] I'm fading so [F#]fast

[F#] [A] [B] (x2)

[F#]Look, beyond the s[A]un, bey[B]ond the c[F#]louds
Is there a l[A]ife still [B]to be f[F#]ound?
Don't want to s[A]park then j[B]ust fade [F#]out
Straight down the tr[A]ack, I'm not going b[B]ack

[D] Can't make it s[E]top
Can't slow it d[F#]own

Nothing to do but let it push me around
[D] I can't keep it s[E]till
I can't turn it [F#]back

Barely a blink before it's all in the past
[D] [E] I'm fading so [F#]fast

[D] [E] [F#] (x2)

[A] I'm on my k[E]nees crying [D]out
I need You to save me [A]
I see a [E]light, I hear a s[D]ound
"You're all right, I got you [A]now"
Here in the f[E]ace of all my d[D]oubt
These burdens are lifting [A]up
I was [E]lost, but now I'm [F#]found

And I'm looking on and on and on and on

[D] Don't want to s[E]top
Not slowing [F#]down

Nothing to do but lay it all on the ground
[D] Can't keep sti[E]ll
I'm not turning b[F#]ack

Barely a blink before this moment is past
[D] [E] But the future will [F#]last

[D] You're all that I h[E]ave
I'm not turning [F#]back
[D] You're all that I h[E]ave
I'm not turning [F#]back
[D] I'm n[E]ot turning [F#]back
Used chords