Orville Wright chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Jeff Daniels
[C]I tried to tell myself, but I don’t wanna hear it
[F]Seems like nowadays somebody's always go[G]tta clear it
Gimme the o[C]kay, the rubber stamp, the thumbs up, the green light; ne[F]ver sang a song I ne[G]ver liked
But you ain[C]'t gonna listen if I'm afraid to say it and you w[F]on't tap your feet if I'm af[G]raid to play it
And if I ca[C]n't be real, well I promise I'll fake it, besides h[F]alf of ya are gonna love it
And the oth[G]er half is gonna hate it
But is t[C]hat the country we live in or what. . . [F]Don't answer that[G]

Re[C]ach for the rafters, swing for the fences, your comin' d[F]own the home stretch, you br[G]ing 'em to their senses
If at fi[C]rst you don't succeed, well you get the gist; n[F]ever there, never in, you n[G]ever get kissed
S[C]tep on the gas; kick some ass, up the mountain through the pass.
I've m[F]et a lot of nice guys who d[G]idn't finish last.
But you a[C]in't gonna listen if I'm afraid to say it and you w[F]on't tap your feet if I'm a[G]fraid to play it
And if I [C]can't be real, hell I promise I'll fake it
Besides h[F]alf of ya are gonna love it and the oth[G]er half is gonna flat out hate it
But is [C]that the country we live in or w[F]hat? [G]

[F]Cie la [C]vie, [F]dossie do and [C]do re mi, I'm o[F]vercome and [C]overwhelmed and just a l[E7]ittle short of con[Am]fidence
[F]But, Orville Wright didn't h[G]ave no pilot's li[C]cense . . . [F]think about that[G]

The sho[C]w must go on, so on with the show; [F]once upon a time and l[G]ong, long ago
Beg[C]in at the beginning if you don't know where to start
You know s[F]omethin' about a horse and so[G]methin' about a cart
Give me a h[C]igh five, down low, not bad, good to go. [F]Hike up your skirt and [G]look out below
Cause you a[C]in't gonna listen if I'm afraid to say it and you w[F]on't tap your feet if I'm a[G]fraid to play it
And if I c[C]an't be real, hell I promise I'll fake it
Besides h[F]alf of ya are gonna love it and the other h[G]alf are gonna absolutely hate it
But is t[C]hat the country we find ourselves livin' in at this v[F]ery moment or w[G]hat. . . Don't answer that

[F]Cie la v[C]ie, d[F]ossie do and [C]do re mi, I'm o[F]vercome and [C]overwhelmed and just a [E7]little short of conf[Am]idence
[F]But, Orville Wright didn't h[G]ave no pilot's licen[C]se . . . Orv[F]ille Wright didn't [G]have no pilot's li[C]cense

[G]Well I'm God forsaken and I'm [F]well passed my p[C]rime
[G]And this old heart's achin', r[F]emember the ti[C]me?
[F]I'm ripe for the takin' and I'm bettin' my last d[C]ime
[F]Can't be a criminal if don't commit the cr[G]ime

[C]Well you can count your chickens before they're hatched; you can [F]start a fire without a m[G]atch
[C]They haven't even thrown it yet, you can [F]still make the catch; you just gotta get your g[G]love up
[C]You can still sing along if you don't know the song, you can s[F]till stick around once ev[G]erybody’s gone
You can be a[C]bsolutely right when you’re absolutely wrong, and in this country, [F]we'll elect ya Pre[G]sident

And I still can't believe that

[F]Cie la [C]vie, [F]dossie do and [C]do re mi, I'm o[F]vercome and [C]overwhelmed and just a l[E7]ittle short of co[Am]nfidence
[F]But, Orville Wright didn't have n[G]o pilot's l[C]icense . . . [F]Orville Wright didn't [G]have no pilot's l[C]icense [F]
[G]Correct me if I'm wron[C]g
Used chords