Old Coyote Town chords

Trans. 0
[Am] [G] [Am] [G] [F] [G]

He’s got a [C]US flag on his front porch
To re[F]mind everyone where he [C]lives
And [F]up in the attic there are [C]papers that prove
The [Am]old house is finally [G]his
After [Em]thirty-five years the [F]grass still don’t grow
In that [Dm]rock hard [Em]west Texas g[Am]round
Where [F]my old dad still [C]clings to that [F]old coy[G]ote

Like [Em]horses the pick-ups are [F]parked out in front
Of a [Em]cafe that don’t need a n[F]ame
Where the [Am7]old men rock and the tu[C]mbleweeds roll
Past the b[F]oarded up windows down M[G]ain

W[C]aist high weeds hide a for sale sign
At the d[F]rive-in where my innocence d[C]ied
With a r[F]usty advertisement, d[C]angling by a nail
Says P[Am]opcorn and Pepsi for a d[G]ime
And d[Em]own at the depot where [F]I left for good
There’s a [Dm]hobo with his t[Em]hree-legged h[Am]ound
W[F]aitin' for a train, that n[C]o longer comes to that
o[F]ld coy[G]ote t[C]own

And the i[Em]nterstate rumbles like a r[F]iver that runs
To a r[Em]hythm that don’t ever slow d[F]own
As c[Am7]ars and trucks, and ti[C]me pass by
That o[F]ld coyote t[G]own

Daddy f[C]alls asleep in the living room
On the s[F]ofa with the TV [C]on

Somet[F]imes he waits for a pho[C]ne call from me
Some[Am]times he waits too lo[G]ng
But I s[Em]till think of the people and the pl[F]ace that
he loves
How much l[Dm]onger will t[Em]hey be ar[Am]ound
Till its a[F]shes to ashes, d[C]ust to dust
For that o[F]ld coy[G]ote to[C]wn

Like h[Em]orses the pick-ups are p[F]arked out in front
Of a [Em]cafe that don't need a n[F]ame
Where the [Am7]old men rock and the tu[C]mbleweeds roll
Past the b[F]oarded up windows down M[G]ain

And the i[Em]nterstate rumbles like a r[F]iver that runs
To a r[Em]hythm that don’t ever slow d[F]own
As c[Am7]ars and trucks, and ti[C]me pass by
That o[F]ld coy[G]ote t[C]own
God bless that o[F]ld coy[G]ote t[C]own
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