No One Will Laugh At You chords

Trans. 0
[G]Oh you can make a mess of the [C]simplest [G]song
And [D]no one will laugh
No no one will l[G]augh

[G]You can make a mess of the sim[C]plest son[G]g
And n[D]o one will laugh at y[G]ou

[G]You can make a mess of the sim[C]plest son[G]g
And [D]no one will laugh
No no one will l[G]augh

[G]You can make a mess of the sim[C]plest son[G]g
And n[D]o one will laugh at y[G]ou
[C]And if they do
They can b[G]low me, too
[D]'Cause no one should laugh at y[G]ou

[G]You can make a mess of the sim[C]plest son[G]g
And [D]no one will laugh
No no one will l[G]augh

[G]You can make a mess of the sim[C]plest son[G]g
And n[D]o one will laugh at y[G]ou

[G]Oh you can make a mess of the [C]simplest [G]song
And [D]no one will laugh
No no one will l[G]augh

[G]You can make a mess of the sim[C]plest son[G]g
And n[D]o one will laugh at y[G]ou
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