Muddy Water A Mississippi Moan chords

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Artist: Bessie Smith

[Bb]Dixie [Gm]moonlight, [F#]Swanee [F7]shore
[Bb]Headed[Gm] homebound [F#]just on[F7]ce more
[Bb]To my Missis[Eb]sippi d[F7]elta [Bb]home
[Bb]Southland [Gm]has that grand [F#]garden [F7]spot
[Bb]Although [Gm]you [Eb]believe or [F]not


[Gm]I hear those b[F#]reeze a-wh[F7]ispering:
[C7]"Come on back to [F7]me"
[Bb]Muddy water '[Gm]round my feet
[Bb]Muddy water [F#]in the str[F7]eet
[Bb]Just God don't s[Eb7]helter
[C7]Down on the del[F7]ta
[Cm7]Muddy water [G7]in my shoes
[Cm7]Reeling and rocking to them [G7]lowdown blues
[Gm7]They live in [F#]ease and comfort down th[F7]ere I do declare
[Bb]Been away a year today
To [Eb7]wander and roam
[C7]I don't care it's muddy there
But [F7]see it is my home


[Bb]Got my toes turned [Eb7]Dixie way
[Bb]'Round the delta [Gm]let me la[F7]y
[Bb]My heart cries [Eb7]out for m[F7]uddy wa[Bb]ter

[Eb7] [F7] [Bb]
Used chords