Matt Hyland chords

Transpose 0
CAPO: 5th Fret

[C] [Dm] [Em] [C] [G]
[C] [Dm] [Em] [F] [G]

There was a [C]lord[G]__, lived [F]in this [C]town [F]
Who [G]had a [F]fair and [Em]lucky [Dm]daugh[C]ter
She was courted by[G] a [F]handsome [C]man [F]
Who [G]was a [F]servant [Em]to her [Dm]fat[C]her
But when her parents came to [G]know
They swore [C]they'd ban him[F] from the [G]is[C]land [F]
This maid, she [C]knew[F] that her heart would [C]break [F]
Had [G]she to [C]part with young Matt [G]Hy[C]land

[C] [Dm] [Em] [G]
[C] [Dm] [Em] [F] [G]

Straightway [C]to[G] her [F]love she [C]went [F]
And [G]then in[F]to his [Em]room to [Dm]wake [C]him
Saying, "Arise, my [G]love,[F] and go a[C]way [F]
This [G]very [F]night you [Em]will be [Dm]tak[C]en
I overheard my parents [G]say
In spite of [C]me they [F]would trans[G]port [C]you
Arise, my love,[F] and go a[C]way [F]
I [G]wish to [C]God I'd gone be[G]fore [C]you"

They both sat [G]down[F] all upon the [C]bed [F]
All [G]for the [F]sight of [Em]one a[Dm]not[C]her
And not one [G]word did [F]either [C]speak [F]
'Til [G]down her [F]cheeks the [Em]tears did [Dm]sho[C]wer
She laid her head upon his [G]breast
Around his [C]neck her [F]arms en[G]twined [C]then [F]
"No duke nor [C]earl[F] nor lord I'll [C]wed [F]
I'll [G]wait for [C]you, my own Matt [G]Hy[C]land"

[C] [Dm] [Em] [G]
[C] [Dm] [Em] [F] [G]
[C] [Dm] [Em] [G]
[C] [Dm] [Em] [F] [G]

"How can [C]I_[G]_ go a[F]way, my [C]love? [F]
How [G]can I [F]go with[Em]out my [Dm]wag[C]es?
Without one [G]penny [F]of my [C]own [F]
Just [G]like some [F]low and [Em]lonesome [Dm]vag[C]rant"
"Here's twenty guineas in bright [G]gold
That's far much [C]more than [F]Father [G]owes [Am]you
Take it, [C]love,[F] and go a[C]way [F]
You [G]know right [C]well, I do a[G]dore [C]you"

The lord con[G]versed with his [F]daughter [C]fair [F]
One [G]night a[F]bove in [Em]her bed[Dm]cham[C]ber
Saying, "I'll give you [G]leave[F] for to bring him [C]back [F]
Since [G]there's no [F]one can [Em]win your [Dm]fav[C]our"
She wrote a letter in great [G]haste
For him her [C]heart was [F]still re[G]pin[Am]ing
They brought him [C]back,[F] to the church they [C]went [F]
And [G]made a [C]lord of young Matt [G]Hy[C]land
Used chords