Love Divine All Loves Excelling chords
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[G]Love di[C]vine, all [G]loves exc[D7]elling,
[Em]Joy of Hea[C]v’n to e[D]arth come do[D7]wn;
[G]Fix in [C]us thy [G]humble [D7]dwelling;
[G]All thy f[C]aith-ful [G]mer[D]cies [G]crown!
[Em]Jesus, Thou art a[C]ll com[G]passion,
[G]Pure unbounded l[A]ove Thou a[D]rt;
[C]Visit [G]us with Thy salv[D]ation;
[G]Enter [C]eve-ry [G]tremb-[D]ling h[G]eart.
[G]Breathe[C] , O breath[G]e Thy lov[D7]ing Spirit,
[Em]Into every[C] trouble[D]d breast! [D7]
[G]Let us [C]all in [G]Thee in[D7]herit;
[G]Let us fi[C]nd that s[G]eco[D]nd re[G]st.
[Em]Take away our ben[C]t to s[G]inning;
[G]Alpha and Omega [A]be; [D]
[C]End of[G] faith, as its b[D]eginning,
[G]Set ou[C]r heart[G]s at l[D]iberty[G] .
[G]Come, A[C]lmighty to[G] deliver,[D7]
[Em]Let us all[C] Thy lif[D]e receive; [D7]
[G]Suddenl[C]y retur[G]n and n[D7]ever,
[G]Never mor[C]e Thy tem[G]ple[D]s lea[G]ve.
[Em]Thee we would be [C]always[G] blessing,
[G]Serve Thee as Th[A]y hosts ab[D]ove,
[C]Pray a[G]nd praise Thee w[D]ithout ceasing,
[G]Glory [C]in Thy [G]perfec[D]t love[G] .
[G]Finish,[C] then, Thy[G] new crea[D7]tion;
[Em]Pure and s[C]potless [D]let us be. [D7]
[G]Let us [C]see Thy[G] great [D7]salvation
[G]Perfectly[C] restored[G] in[D] Thee[G] ;
[Em]Changed from glor[C]y into[G] glory,
[G]Till in Heav’n w[A]e take our[D] place,
[C]Till w[G]e cast our crown[D]s before Thee,
[G]Lost i[C]n wonde[G]r, lov[D]e, and[G] praise.
[G]Love di[C]vine, all [G]loves exc[D7]elling,
[Em]Joy of Hea[C]v’n to e[D]arth come do[D7]wn;
[G]Fix in [C]us thy [G]humble [D7]dwelling;
[G]All thy f[C]aith-ful [G]mer[D]cies [G]crown!
[Em]Jesus, Thou art a[C]ll com[G]passion,
[G]Pure unbounded l[A]ove Thou a[D]rt;
[C]Visit [G]us with Thy salv[D]ation;
[G]Enter [C]eve-ry [G]tremb-[D]ling h[G]eart.
[G]Breathe[C] , O breath[G]e Thy lov[D7]ing Spirit,
[Em]Into every[C] trouble[D]d breast! [D7]
[G]Let us [C]all in [G]Thee in[D7]herit;
[G]Let us fi[C]nd that s[G]eco[D]nd re[G]st.
[Em]Take away our ben[C]t to s[G]inning;
[G]Alpha and Omega [A]be; [D]
[C]End of[G] faith, as its b[D]eginning,
[G]Set ou[C]r heart[G]s at l[D]iberty[G] .
[G]Come, A[C]lmighty to[G] deliver,[D7]
[Em]Let us all[C] Thy lif[D]e receive; [D7]
[G]Suddenl[C]y retur[G]n and n[D7]ever,
[G]Never mor[C]e Thy tem[G]ple[D]s lea[G]ve.
[Em]Thee we would be [C]always[G] blessing,
[G]Serve Thee as Th[A]y hosts ab[D]ove,
[C]Pray a[G]nd praise Thee w[D]ithout ceasing,
[G]Glory [C]in Thy [G]perfec[D]t love[G] .
[G]Finish,[C] then, Thy[G] new crea[D7]tion;
[Em]Pure and s[C]potless [D]let us be. [D7]
[G]Let us [C]see Thy[G] great [D7]salvation
[G]Perfectly[C] restored[G] in[D] Thee[G] ;
[Em]Changed from glor[C]y into[G] glory,
[G]Till in Heav’n w[A]e take our[D] place,
[C]Till w[G]e cast our crown[D]s before Thee,
[G]Lost i[C]n wonde[G]r, lov[D]e, and[G] praise.
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