Lift Up Your Hearts chords

Trans. 0
Tuning: Drop D (DADGBe)

D: 000232
G/D: 020033
A: 202220 or x02220
G: 550003
Em: 222000
C: 232010 or x32010

[D] [G/D] [D] [G/D] [A]

[D]Lift[G/D] up y[D]our [G/D]hearts to the L[D]or[G/D]d
In pr[D]aise[G/D] of His m[A]ercy!
[D]Sing [G/D]out y[D]our [G/D]joy to the L[D]or[G/D]d:
His l[D]ove[G/D] is end[A]ur[D]ing.[G/D] [D] [G/D] [D]

[Em]Shout with j[G]oy to the L[D]ord, all the [A]earth!
[Em]Praise the gl[G]ory of His n[A]ame!
[C]Say to G[G]od, "How w[D]ondrous Your w[Em]orks,
[C]How gl[G]orious Your n[A]ame!"

[D]Lift[G/D] up y[D]our [G/D]hearts to the L[D]or[G/D]d
In pr[D]aise[G/D] of His m[A]ercy!
[D]Sing [G/D]out y[D]our [G/D]joy to the L[D]or[G/D]d:
His l[D]ove[G/D] is end[A]ur[D]ing.[G/D] [D] [G/D] [D]

[Em]Let the [G]earth worship, s[D]inging Your pr[A]aise.
[Em]Praise the gl[G]ory of Your n[A]ame!
[C]Come and s[G]ee the d[D]eeds of the L[Em]ord;
[C]Come w[G]orship His n[A]ame!

[D]Lift[G/D] up y[D]our [G/D]hearts to the L[D]or[G/D]d
In pr[D]aise[G/D] of His m[A]ercy!
[D]Sing [G/D]out y[D]our [G/D]joy to the L[D]or[G/D]d:
His l[D]ove[G/D] is end[A]ur[D]ing.[G/D] [D] [G/D] [D]

[Em]At His t[G]ouch the dry l[D]and did app[A]ear;
[Em]Paths were [G]opened in the s[A]ea,
[C]Let the [G]earth rej[D]oice in His m[Em]ight,
[C]The m[G]ight of His l[A]ove.

[D]Lift[G/D] up y[D]our [G/D]hearts to the L[D]or[G/D]d
In pr[D]aise[G/D] of His m[A]ercy!
[D]Sing [G/D]out y[D]our [G/D]joy to the L[D]or[G/D]d:
His l[D]ove[G/D] is end[A]ur[D]ing.[G/D] [D] [G/D] [D]

[Em]Listen now[G] , all you s[D]ervants of G[A]od,
[Em]As I tell[G] of His great w[A]orks.
[C]Blessed b[G]e the L[D]ord of my l[Em]ife!
[C]His l[G]ove shall end[A]ure!

[D]Lift[G/D] up y[D]our [G/D]hearts to the L[D]or[G/D]d
In pr[D]aise[G/D] of His m[A]ercy!
[D]Sing [G/D]out y[D]our [G/D]joy to the L[D]or[G/D]d:
His l[D]ove[G/D] is end[A]ur[D]ing.[G/D] [D] [G/D] [A] [D] [G/D] [D]
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