Let Us Pray chords

Trans. 0
Intro [C] [C] [C] [C] [Fmaj7] [Fmaj7] [C]

[C]Come praise the [C7]Lord [C]for He is [Fmaj7]good [Fmaj7]
Mmm Mmm [G7]Mmm come join in [G]love and brother[C]hood [Fmaj7] [C]
[C]We'll hear the [C7]word and [C]bring our [Am]gifts of [C]bread and [Fmaj7]wine [Fmaj7]
[Em] And we'll be [G7]blessed [G]beneath the [C]sign [C]

[G] So let us [C]pray to[Fmaj7]gether, [G7] pray to[Em]gether
[Fmaj7]Pray with the [Am]one mighty [G7]voi-[G]ce
[G]And let us [C]sing to[Fmaj7]gether, [G7] sing to[C]gether
[Fmaj7]Pray and [G7]we'll re[C]joice [Fmaj7] [C]

[C]When strangers [C7]reach [C]out for your [Fmaj7]hand [Fmaj7]
[G7] Respond to them [G]and under[C]stand [Fmaj7] [C]
[C]We'll rise as [C7]one to [C]calm the [Am]storm out[C]side the [Fmaj7]gate [Fmaj7]
[Em] With [C]faith in [G7]Him [G]we won't be [C]late [C]

[G] So let us [C]pray to[Fmaj7]gether, [G7] pray to[Em]gether
[Fmaj7]Pray with the [Am]one mighty [G7]voi-[G]ce
[G]And let us [C]sing to[Fmaj7]gether, [G7] sing to[C]gether
[Fmaj7]Pray and [G7]we'll re[C]joice,.[C] .... ([C]We'll re[D]joice) [D]

[D]The love of [D7]God is on our [G]side [G]
[A7] We have the [A]strength to [Bm7]move the [D]tide [G] [D]
[D]The world will [D7]say so there'll be [G7]peace and [D7]love for [Em]all [Em]
[D]And we must [A7]hear our [A]brothers [D]call [D]

[A] So let us [D]pray to[G]gether, [A7] pray to[D]gether
[G]Pray with the [Em]one [G]mighty [A7]voi-[A]ce
[A]And let us,[D] sing to[G]gether, [A7] sing to[D]gether
[G]Pray and [A7]we'll re[D]joice, [D] Oh oh [A]oh-oh

[A7]Love for [D]all to the Lord
We'll re[A]joice [A7]love for [D]all to the Lord
We'll re[A7]joice [A]love for [D]all to the [D7]Lord

OUTRO.... Finish with A! and D! single downstums to emphasise the finish

We'll re[G]joice, [A]for, [A7]the [D]Lorrrrrrrrd [D] [A] ! [D] !
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