Jarrow Woman chords

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[Am]She gave them a smile,
yes she [Em]wished them all well
as she [G]waved them [D]up on [C]their [Am]way.

Yes those men knew,
yes [Em]they were quite sure
that their [G]women were the [D]bravest [C]of [Am]brave.

[G]And on her lips there was [D]victory,[G]
And in her heart there was [D]pride,
‘Cause [Em]mister, you know, [G]she just doesn’t cry any[D]more,
Mister, she don’t beg an[Em]ymore,
[A]Mister, she don’t cry a[Em]nymore.

[Am]It was only the women,
who would [Em]carry it through
if there[G] was [D]to [C]be vic[Am]tory.

Crusaders were made
and [Em]the women were mourned,
[G]created in t[D]he s[C]ame [Am]mould.

[G]And on her lips there was [D]victory,[G]
And in her heart there was [D]pride,
‘Cause [Em]mister, you know, [G]she just doesn’t cry any[D]more,
Mister, she don’t beg an[Em]ymore,
[A]Mister, she don’t cry a[Em]nymore.

[Am]Cast in a bond
that was [Em]stronger than steel,
the de[G]stiny o[D]f two [C]was now [Am]fused.

I’ll tell you no stories,
I [Em]tell you no fictions,
[G]just the heritage [D]that [C]became [Am]mine.

[G]And on her lips there was [D]victory,[G]
And in her heart there was [D]pride,
‘Cause [Em]mister, you know, [G]she just doesn’t cry any[D]more,
Mister, she don’t beg an[Em]ymore,
[A]Mister, she don’t cry a[Em]nymore.
Used chords