Jacks Lament chords

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Artist: Danny Elfman
There are [A#m]few who'd de[F/A]ny
[C#]/[G#] Gm9b5
At what I do I am the best
For my [F#]talents are [F]renowned far and [D#m]wide
When it [C]comes to su[C#dim7]prises
[C/E] [D#m]/[A#]
On a moonlit night
I ex[C7]cel without ever even [F7]trying

With the [D#m]slightest little [A#7]effort
Of my [D#m]ghost like [Fdim]charms
I have [D#m]seen grown men give out a [E]shriek
With the [G#dim]wave of my [D#m]hand
And a [A#7]well placed [D#m]moan
I have swept the very [A#7]bravest off their [D#m]feet

Yet [A#7]year after [Bm]year
It's the [E]same rou[D#dim7]tine
And I [A#]grow so weary
[D#dim7] [A#7]/[F]
Of the sound of screams
And [F#dim7]I
Have [B7]grown so [A#7]tired of the [F#dim]same

Oh [D#dim7]somewhere [Gm]deep in[A7/G]side of these [Em]bones
An [Am6]empti[Em]ness be[Am6]gan to [Em]grow
[D#dim7] [Gm]/[D] [A/C#] [Em/B]
There's something out there far from my home
A [Am6]longing [Em6]that I've [B7]never [Em6]known

[Em] [B/D#] [G/D] C#m9b5
I'm a master of fright and a demon of light
And I'll [C]scare you right [B]out of your [Am]pants
[F#] [Gdim7] [F#]/[A#] [Am/E]
To a guy in Kentucky, I'm Mister Unlucky
And I'm [F#7]known throughout England and [B]France

And [Am]since I am [Bdim]dead, I can [Am/C]take off my [Ddim]head
To re[Am]cite Shakesperean quo[A#]tations
No [Ddim7]animal nor [Am]man can [E7]SCREAM like I [Am]can
With the fury of my [E7]reci[Am]tations

But [E7]who [Fm]here would [A#]ever under[Adim7]stand
[E7] [Am6] [E7]/[B]
That the Pumpkin King with the skeleton grin
[Cdim7] [Am] [F#m]/[C#]
Would tire of his crown, If they only
He'd [D7]give it all [C#7]up, if he [F#m]only [D]
[C#b9] [C#](no5)

[Fdim7] [Am] [B7]/[A] [F#m]
Oh theres an empty place in my bones
That [Bm6]calls out [F#m]for some[Bm6]thing un[F#m]known
[Fdim7] [Am/E] [B/D#] [F#m]/[C#]
The fame and praise come year after year
Does [Bm6]nothing [F#m6]for these [C#7]empty [F#m]tears....
Used chords