Isobel chords

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Artist: Bjork
In a [Am]forest pitch-[E7]dark

Glowed the [Am]tiniest [Em]spark

It [Am]burst into [E7]flame

Like [Am]me, Like me [E7]


My name [Am]Isob[E7]el

Married [Am]to my[E7]self

My love [Am]Isob[E7]el

Living [Am]by her[E7]self

In a [Am]heart full of [E7]dust

Lives a c[Am]reature called [Em]lust

It surp[Am]rises and [E7]scares

[Am]Like me Like me [E7]

My name [Am]Isob[E7]el

Married to [Am]myse[E7]lf

My love [Am]Isob[E7]el

Living [Am]by her[E7]self

[C] When she does it she m[E7]eans to o[Am]ooooh

[C] Moth delivers her m[E7]essage o[Am]ooo-oooo-oo-oo

[C]Unexplained on your co[E7]llar

[Em]Crawling in silence

[E]A simple excuse


[Am]Nana na nana [E7]

[Am]Nana na nana [E7]

In a [Am]tower of [E7]steel

Nature [Am]forges a [Em]deal

To raise [Am]wonderful [E7]hell

Like [Am]me, like me[E7]
Used chords
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