In Times Like These chords

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Artist: Arlo Guthrie
[D]In times like these [G]when night surro[D]unds me
And I am [A]weary and my heart is [D]worn
When the songs they're [G]singing don't mean [D]nothing
Just cheap re[A]frains play on and [D]on

[D]The storm is here [G]the lightning [D]flashes
Between comm[A]ercials they're taking [D]names
The singers run [G]to where the [D]cash is
Just another [A]link in slavery's [D]chain

[D]I see the [A]storm clouds rise a[D]bove me
The sky is [A]dark and the night has [D]come
I walk alone [G]along this [D]highway
Where strangers [A]gather one by [D]one

[D]When leaders profit [G]from deep div[D]isions
When the tears of [A]friends remain un[D]sung
In times like these [G]it's good to re[D]member
These times will [A]go in times to [D]come

[D]I see the [A]storm clouds rise a[D]bove me
The sky is [A]dark and the night has [D]come
I walk alone [G]along this [D]highway
Where friends have [A]gathered one by [D]one

[D]I know the [A]storm will soon be [D]over
The howling [A]winds will cease to [D]be
I walk with friends [G]from every [D]nation
On freedom's [A]highway in times like [D]these
Used chords