I Will Dwell chords

Transpose 0
[D]I've come to meet[Bm] you in this place
To se[D]ek You face to f[Bm]ace
A[A]ll my guilt and sh[G]ame I lay at Your f[Em]eet

[D]Oh most holy O[Bm]ne
In Your pre[D]sence I'm un[Bm]done
In this brok[A]eness I s[G]ee You're all I n[Em]eed

I will dw[D]ell in the ful[G]lness of the cr[Em]oss
Where a[Bm]ll my wrongs were lo[A]st in Your emb[G]race
So I'm sta[A]nding here to[Em]day
Take me de[D]eper than I've e[G]ver been be[Em]fore
A[Bm]ll I pray is mo[A]re, exalted O[G]ne
Sin's cha[F#m]ins have been undo[Em]ne
So I will dw[D]ell

I was br[D]oken; You were be[Em]aten
I was lo[D]st, b[G]ut through the cr[A]oss
Now I'm men[D]ded, found by Your gr[Em]ace
Sins forg[D]iven 'ca[A]use You took my pl[Bm]ace
Used chords