I Give Thanks chords

Trans. 0
[G]You have [G/B]shown me [C]favor une[D]nding,
[G]you have [G/B]given You[C]r life fo[D]r me
[G]and my he[G/B]art know[C]s of Your [D]goodness
[Em]Your bloo[C]d has covered [D]me

I will aris[G]e and give tha[D]nks to Yo[C]u, Lord my Go[D]d
and Your Na[G]me I will bles[D]s with [C]my whole hear[D]t
[G]You have shown[D] mercy, [C]You have show[D]n mercy to me.
[Am7]I gi[G/B]ve than[C]ks to Yo[D]u Lord [G]

[G]You have [G/B]poured out Y[C]our healing[D] upon us,
[G]You have [G/B]set the capt[C]ives fr[D]ee
[G]and we k[G/B]now it's not w[C]hat we[D]'ve done
[Em]but by You[C]r hand alo[D]ne

We will ar[G]ise and give th[D]anks to You[C] , Lord our Go[D]d
and Your n[G]ame we will ble[D]ss with [C]all our hea[D]rts
[G]You have shown m[D]ercy, Y[C]ou have shown [D]mercy to us
[Am7]We g[G/B]ive tha[C]nks to Y[D]ou L[G]ord

[Am7]You, O L[G/B]ord, are the h[C]ealer of my s[D]oul
[Am7]You, O L[G/B]ord, are the [C]gracious Re[D]deemer
[Bm7]You come [Am7]to restore us a[D]gain
yes, You[Bm7] come to r[Am7]estore us a[D]gain
and a[G]gain [G/B] [C] [D] [G]
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