Hurting Each Other chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Carpenters
1. No[C] one in the world ever had a love as sweet as my [D]love,
for no[Am]where in the world could there be a boy as true as you, lo[G]ve.
All my[Gm] love, I give gladly to you,
all y[D]our love you give gladl[E]y to me.
Tel[G]l me, [D]why then, [Em]oh why should it be[G] tha[A]t
We[D] go on [Em]hurting each other, w[D]e go on hurtin[Em]g each other,
ma[Em]king each[D] other cry, h[Em]urting each other,[D]
[C] ~ ~ [D]
without ever knowing - - why.

2. Clos[C]er than the leaves on a weepin' willow, baby, we ar[D]e,
c[Am]loser, dear, are we than the simple letters 'A' and 'B' [G]are.
All my[Gm] life, I could love only you,
all you[D]r life you could lov[E]e only me.
Tel[G]l me, [D]why then, [Em]oh why should it be[G] that[A]…
We[D] go on [Em]hurting each other,[D] we go on hur[Em]ting each other,
ma[Em]king each[D] other cry, h[Em]urting each oth[D]er,
[C] ~ ~ [D] - [A]
without ever knowing - - why.

Can[D]'t we sto[Em]p hurting each oth[D]er, gotta stop[Em] hurting each other,
m[Em]aking eac[D]h other cry, bre[Em]aking each other's [D]heart,
[Em] [D] [C] - [A]
tearing each other apart.
Can[D]'t we stop[Em] hurting each other[D] , gotta stop h[Em]urting each other,
m[Em]aking each o[D]ther cry, breaki[Em]ng each other's hea[D]rt,
tea[Em]ring each [D]other apar[C]t….
Used chords