Humble King chords

Trans. 0
[B]Let this mind be in [F]you,
Which [E]also was in [F]Christ,
[Gm]Who, in the form of [E]God, devine,
Held [E]not to sovereign [F]rights,
[E]Poured out the humble [B]King,
[GM]In servant form he [E]came,
[E]Christ made Himself of [B]no [F]re-[Gm]pute,
Our [E]flesh He [F]wore the s[B]ame.

[B]Compelled by selfless [F]love,
O[E]beying with great [F]cost,
Hu[Gm]mility which [E]led to death,
Even d[E]eath upon the [F]cross,
Theref[E]ore the Father, [B]God,
Ex[Gm]alted Him who [E]came,
And [E]to the Son is [B]now [F]bes[Gm]towed,
The [E]Name ab[F]ove all [B]names.

That [B]at His very [F]name,
In [E]Heaven and Earth ad[F]ored,
Each [Gm]knee will bow and [E]tongue confess,
That J[E]esus Christ is [F]Lord,
All g[E]lory be to [B]God,
For [Gm]Christ’s humili[E]ty,
Who [E]through the Spirits [B]power [F]was [Gm]raised,
To [E]purchase [F]and red[B]eem.

[Gm] [E] [B] [F]

All g[Gm]lory be to the [E]Father,
All g[B]lory be to the [F]son,
All [Gm]glory be to the [E]Spirit,
The [B]Holy Three in the [F]One,
A[Gm]men a[E]men am[B]en am[F]en.

[B]Let this mind be in [F]you,
Which was [E]also in Christ [F]Jesus,
[Gm]Who, being in the form of [E]God,
Did [E]not think of equality with [F]God,
[E]As something to cling [B]to,
[Gm]But made himself of no [E]reputation,
[E]Taking the f[B]orm o[F]f a [Gm]servant,
And [E]coming in the [F]likeness of [B]men.

[B]When He appeared in human [F]form,
[E]He humbled Himself and [F]became,
Ob[Gm]edient to the [E]point of death,
Even His [E]death upon the [F]cross.

Therefore [B]God also has highly exalted [F]Him,
And given Him the na[E]me which is above every [F]name,
That at the name of J[Gm]esus every knee should [E]bow,
Of [E]those in Heaven and those on [F]Earth,
[E]And of those under the [B]Earth,
[GM]And that every tongue ought to conf[E]ess,
[E]That Jesus [B]Christ i[F]s L[Gm]ord,
To t[E]he glory of[F] God the Fat[B]her.
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