Hot Tub chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Byrdman
[A] [D] [E] [E7]
[A] [D] [E]
[A] [D] [E] [E7]
[A] [D] [E]
Why can't we ar[A]gue, I hate sent[D]imental ni[E]ghts. [E7]
I'm too tired, could you p[A]lease just se[D]nd me ho[E]me?
I'm too fu[A]ll of it to le[D]ave by my[E]self, I need an ex[E7]cuse to d[A]rag myself out o[D]f this hol[E]e.
And He[A]ll is far too sm[D]all for all six f[E]eet of me, and Hea[E7]ven's too high u[A]p - I'm sca[D]red of heig[E]hts.
So I'll just con[A]tinue doing the th[D]ings that I lo[E]ve in Julia's h[E7]ot tub every ot[A]her Fri[D]day nigh[E]t.
I li[A]ve to d[D]ie and so do y[E]ou, there's no de[E7]eper mea[A]ning to a[D]ny of t[E]his.
Art is fa[A]ke, hate is r[D]eal, people ch[E]ange, no one c[E7]ares about the fr[A]iends that th[D]ey think miss th[E]em.
Why are you lau[E7]ghing?

[A] [D] [E] [E7]
[A] [D] [E]
[A] [D] [E] [E7]
[A] [D] [E]

I'd rather d[A]ie than te[D]ll you you're r[E]ight about some[E7]thing I kn[A]ow I'm wr[D]ong ab[E]out.
I hate lo[A]sing argu[D]ments, I hate loo[E]king like an id[E7]iot, [A]I hate trying n[D]ew things o[E]ut.
I hate ma[A]king new fr[D]iends and I hate los[E]ing them, [E7]I hate not know[A]ing w[D]hat I wan[E]t.
I hate the pe[A]ople I sit ne[D]xt to in Chem[E]istry - just ki[E7]dding, [A]I hate eve[D]ryone. [E]
Could you ple[A]ase turn o[D]n the T[E] .V.? I'm getting r[E7]eally si[A]ck of the so[D]und of your vo[E]ice.
And could you ple[A]ase stopping wh[D]ining about poli[E]tics? I'm tr[E7]ying to keep my m[A]ind off the [D] [E]
And police brut[E7]ality...

[A] [D] [E] [E7]
[A] [D] [E]
[A] [D] [E] [E7]
[A] [D] [E]
I wanna can[A]nonball in[D]to your h[E]ot tub, ju[E7]st to m[A]ake you really m[D]ad at me[E] .
I want Ja[A]son to enc[D]ourage me to do [E]it, and t[E7]ake a pi[A]cture of the l[D]ook on your fa[E]ce.
There'd be no[A]thing you could [D]do to st[E]op me, [E7]I wouldn't s[A]top for an[D]yone.[E]
I hope the ne[A]xt time w[D]e hango[E]ut, ever[E7]yone is the[A]re to w[D]atch me [E]jump.
Why are you l[E7]aughing?
Why are you l[E]aughing?
Why are you l[E7]aughing...
Laughing at m[A]e?
Used chords