Horse Soldier Horse Soldier chords

Trans. 0
[Em] I'mx a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a [Am] wretchedx E[Em]nglishmanx
[Em]Routingx Bonaparte at [B7] Waterloox
[Em] I'mx a dragoon on a [Am] dun,x I'm a [Em] Cossackx on the [Am] runx
[Em] I'mx a horse soldier, [B7] timeless,x through and [Em] throughx

[Em]I'sx with Custer and the 7th in ‘7[Am]6xxx or ‘77 [Em] xxxx  
[Em]Scalpedx at Little Big Horn by the Si[B7]ouxx
[Em]Andx the pain and [Am] devastationx of a [Em] once-proudx warrior [Am] nationx
This I [Em] knowx ‘cause I was [B7] ridingx with them [Em] toox

[Em]Ixxx drank mare's blood on the run w[Am]henx I rode with the Grea[Em]txxx Khan
[Em]Onxx the frozen Mongol steppe while at h[B7]isxx height
[Em]I'sx a White Guard, [Am] I'sx a Red Guard, I's the Tsa[Em]r'sx own palace [Am] horsex guard
[Em]Whenx Romanov was [B7] murderedx in the ni[Em]ghtx

[Em]Ixxx knew Salah al-Din and rode his [Am] swiftx Ara[Em]biansx
[Em]Harassingx doomed crusaders on their [B7] heavyx drafts
[Em]Andx yet I rode the [Am] Percheronx against [Em] thex circling Sa[Am]racenx
[Em]Andx once again, ag[B7]ainstx myself was c[Em]astx

[Em]I'mx a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a [Am] wretchedx E[Em]nglishmanx
[Em]Routingx Bonaparte at [B7] Waterloox
[Em] I'mx a dragoon on a [Am] dun,x I'm a [Em] Cossackx on the [Am] runx
[Em] I'mx a horse soldier, [B7] timeless,x through and [Em] throughx

[Em]Wellx I've worn the Mounties c[Am]rimson,x if you're silent [Em] andx you'll listen
[Em]You'llx know that it was with them, t[B7]hatx I stood
[Em]Whenx Mayerthorpe, she cri[Am]ed,x as her [Em] fourx horsemen d[Am]iedx
[Em]Gunnedx down in s[B7]carlet,x coldest blo[Em]odxx

[Em]I'sx the firstest with the mostest when I foug[Am]htxx for Bedford [Em] xxxx   Forrest
[Em]Sufferedx General Wilson's Union [B7] raidx
[Em] Minex was not to rea[Am]sonx why, mine was b[Em]utxx to do and [Am] diex
[Em] Atxx Crimea with the ch[B7]argingx light bri[Em]gadex

[Em]Onxx hire from Swiss or Sweden, be me, Chri[Am]stian,x be m[Em]exxx heathen
[Em]Thex devil to the saber I shall [B7] putx
[Em] Withx a crack flanking man[Am]euver,x I'm an u[Em]hlanx alles ub[Am]erxx
[Em]Strikingx terror in[B7]toxx regiment of [Em] footx

[Em] I'mx a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a [Am] wretchedx E[Em]nglishmanx
[Em]Routingx Bonaparte at [B7] Waterloox
[Em] I'mx a dragoon on a [Am] dun,x I'm a [Em] Cossackx on the [Am] runx
[Em] I'mx a horse soldier, [B7] timeless,x through and [Em] throughx

---Slow Strumming--

[Em]Ixxx knew my days were numbered when o’er [Am] xxxx the trenches [Em] lumberedx
[Em] Morex modern machinations de la guerr[B7]exxx
[Em]Noxx match for rapid [Am] firex or the ste[Em]elxx birds of the [Am] xxxx   sky
[Em]Withx a final rear guard [B7] actionx I r[Em]etreatx

----Strum Once--
[Em]Noxx match for tangle[Am]dxxx wire or the a[Em]rmouredx engines [Am] xxxx   whine
[Em]Reluctantx I re[B7]tirex and take [Em] myxx leave

Today I ride with special forces on thos[Am]exxx wily Afghan [Em] horsesx
[Em] Dostum’sx Northern Alliance give [B7] theirx thanks
[Em]Noxx matter defeat or [Am] xxxx victory, in b[Em]attlex it occu[Am]rsxx to me
[Em]Thatx we may see a [B7] swellingx in our ranks [Em] xxxx

----Normal Strumming----
[Em]I'mx a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a [Am] wretchedx E[Em]nglishmanx
[Em]Routingx Bonaparte at [B7] Waterloox
[Em] I'mx a dragoon on a [Am] dun,x I'm a [Em] Cossackx on the [Am] runx
[Em] I'mx a horse soldier, [B7] timeless,x through and [Em] throughx
[Em] I'mx a horse soldier, [B7] eternal,x through and t[Em]hroughx
Used chords
Em X
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Am X
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B7 X
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