Halfway Round The World chords

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Artist: Carly Simon
[G]Thank you for informing me
That [D]I was banned from C[Em]anada
It comes as no sup[G]rise to me
[D]Last month it was A[Em]frica
[D]Since you've been ambassa[C]dor
There's tr[Em]ouble at the b[A7]order
[Em]La la l[G]a la[D] la [Em]la [G]la
[D]Halfway 'round the world [Em]

[G]It's amusing but it ma[G]kes me wince
Your fa[D]ce is like a s[Em]cimitar
When accidentally e[G]ye to eye
You sh[D]oot a look like v[Em]inegar
[D]What could I have do[C]ne to you
To m[Em]ake you act the w[A7]ay you do
[Em]La la l[G]a la[D] la [Em]la [G]la
[D]Halfway 'round the world[Em]

[Am]For whatever reason
You would ke[G]ep me [Bm]
[Am]Halfway 'round the wo[G]rld [D]
[Am]I believe it's like a kind of c[G]omplim[Bm]ent
[C]I must b[Am7]e quite a gi[D]rl, "quite a girl"
[Em]La la l[G]a la[D] la [Em]la [G]la
[D]Halfway 'round the world[Em]

[Am]Once upon a time you swore you'd lo[G]ve me [Bm]
[Am]'Til the end of the wo[G]rld [D]
[Am]Now, nowhere is far enough aw[G]ay for y[Bm]ou
[C]I must b[Am]e quite a gi[D]rl, "quite a girl..."
[Em]La la l[G]a la[D] la [Em]la [G]la
[D]Halfway 'round the world[Em]

[D] [Em] [G] [D] [Em]
Used chords