Half Gifts chords

Transpose 0
Intro [C] -[Em] -[F] -[C] -[G] -[C]

It's [E]an old [Em]game, my love:
When you [F]can't have me, you want me
Because you [C]know that you're [G]not risking anythin[C]g

[Em]Intimacy is while we're in [F]the same place

At the same time
Dealing [C]honestly with how we[G] feel
And who we really[Am] are
Tha[G]t's what grownups [Am]do
[F]That is mature thinking[C]

[E]Well I'm still a ju[Em]nkie for it
It takes[F] me out of my aloneness
But this [C]relationship ca[G]nnot sustain itsel[C]f

[Em]Intimacy is while we're in [F]the same place

At the same time
Dealing [C]honestly with how we[G] feel
And who we really[Am] are
Tha[G]t's what grownups [Am]do
[F]That is mature thinking[Em]

[F]I just have to know

How to be in the process
[C]Of creating things in a [G]better w[C]ay
And it h[Em]urts, but it's a lie
That I can't h[F]andle it
I still have a [C]world of me-[G]ness to fulfil[C]l
I sti[Em]ll care about this planet
[F]I am still connected to natu[Am]re
And to my [G]dreams for mysel[F]f

[F]I have my friends
My family
I have myself
I still have me

[F]I have my friends
My family
I have myself
I still have me [C]
Used chords