Glorious Freedom chords

Transpose 0
1.[D]once i was bound by s[A]in's galling f[D]etters
Chained like a slave i s[E]truggledin v[A]ain
But i rec[D]eived thy gl[A]orious f[D]reedom
[G]When Jesus b[D]roke my f[A]etters in t[D]wain

[D]Glorious freedom,wonderful [G]freedom
[D]No more in chains of s[E]in i r[A]epine
[D]Jesus the glorious, e[A]mancipator
[G]Now and foreve[A]r-He shall be [D]mine

2.[D]freedom from all the c[A]anal affec[D]tions
[D]Freedom from envy,h[E]atred and s[A]trife
Freedom from [D]vain and w[A]orldly a[D]mbitions,
[G]Freedom from [D]all that s[A]addened my l[D]ife
3. [D]freedom from pride and [A]all sinful fo[D]llies
Freedom from love and g[E]litter g[A]old
Freedom from [D]evil t[A]emper and a[D]nger
[G]Glorious f[D]reedom r[A]apture un[D]told
4. [D]freedom from fear with a[A]ll of its t[D]orments
Freedom from care with a[E]ll of its p[A]ain
Freedom in C[D]hrist ,my ble[A]ssed Re[D]deemer
[G]He who has [D]rent my f[A]etters in t[D]wain
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