Ghost Chickens In The Sky chords

Trans. 0

A c[Em]hicken farmer went out on a d[G]ark and stormy day
He re[Em]sted by the coop as he went along his way
When [Em]all at once a rotten egg hit him in the eye
It w[C]as the sight he dreaded: Ghost Chickens in the [Em]Sky

Bok bok bok bo[G]kkk
Bok bok bok bo[Em]kkk
G[C]host chickens in the [Em]sky

This f[Em]armer had these chickens since [G]he was twenty-four
He'd been w[Em]orking for the Colonel for thirty years or more
Ki[Em]lling all these chickens and sending them to fry
And n[C]ow they want revenge: Ghost Chickens in the [Em]Sky

Bok bok bok bo[G]kkk
Bok bok bok bo[Em]kkk
G[C]host chickens in the [Em]sky

Their b[Em]eaks were black and shiny, their ey[G]es were burning red
They [Em]had no meat or feathers - these chickens they were dead
But t[Em]hey picked the farmer up and he died by the claw
They co[C]oked him extra crispy, and served him with cole s[Em]law

Bok bok bok bo[G]kkk
Bok bok bok bo[Em]kkk
G[C]host chickens in the [Em]sky

You've h[Em]eard about those chickens w[G]ay up in the sky
And ab[Em]out the chicken farmer who sentenced them to fry
They [Em]say it isn't over, the revenge isn't done
'Cause they're [C]on their way to Arkansas
To a place they call Ty-[Em]son

Bok bok bok bo[G]kkk
Bok bok bok bo[Em]kkk
G[C]host chickens in the [Em]sky
G[C]host chickens in the [Em]sky
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