Get Behind Me Satan And Push chords

Trans. 0


[A]Well, I hail from Kentucky and I'm headed down Georgia [E]way
[E]I got a score to settle and an awful lot o' things to [A]say
[A]A sassie lassie done stole my man
[D]If that don't make me mad, nothin' can
[E]When I get goin', there ain't no slowin'
[E7]Get behind me Satan and [A]push


[A]Get behind me Satan, get behind me Satan
[A]Get behind me Satan and [E]push
[E7]Through the Georgia pines, like a mountain lion
[E]Come on Satan and [A]push

[A]When I get started, don't you stand too close
[D]'Cause I can cause more trouble than most
[E7]And I ain't in no mood to boast
[E]Get behind me Satan and [A]push



[A]Well, I mind my business and you can do the [E]same
[E]But if you're lookin' for trouble, then trouble is my [A]name
[A]I got a streak of meanness that just won't quit
[D]I ain't never met my match yet
[E]Look out woman, dynamite's comin'
[E7]Get behind me Satan and [A]push


[A]Get behind me Satan, get behind me Satan
[A]Get behind me Satan and [E]push
[E7]I'm real darn mad and that's just too bad
[E]Come on Satan and [A]push

[A]This Kentucky dame ain't nobody's fool
[D]And it's a little too late to be playin' cool
[E7]I'm mad like a hornet, yellin' "Darn it!"
[E]Get behind me Satan and [A]push


[A]Get behind me Satan, get behind me Satan
[A]Get behind me Satan and [E]push
[E]Get behind me Satan...
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