From The Cold chords
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C[D]old,x my breathing like a fog
Summer's ov[G]erx
No more birds to sing their s[D]ongsx
[D]Steps,x my dirty tracks left in the snow
Bruised and ba[G]tteredx
I've gone as far as I can[D] xxx go
[G]Ixx can see you in your candlelight beyond [D] xxx the trees
[G]Hearx your voice now from a distance callin' out [Em] xxxx to me [G] xxx
[D]Comex on in from the cold
[D]Comex on in from the outside
[G]Comex on in from the cold
[G]Comex on in from the outs[D]idex
[D]Wind,x don't see her but she's there
Dead leaves are[G] movin'x
Her calling cards across the[D] airx
[G] Ixx can see you in the window, a shadow through [D] xxx the trees
[G]Hearx your voice now from a distance callin' out [Em] xxxx to me
[D]Comex on in from the cold
[D]Comex on in from the outside
[G]Comex on in from the cold
[G]Almostx losing the daylight
[C]I'vex been lost and I've been broken
[A]I'vex been buried in the snow
[F#]Butx I hear your voice and I keep walkin'
I keep wa[Em]lkin',x don't know w[G]hyx I walk to y[Gm]ouxx
And I've got nowhere left to g[D] oxx
[G] xxx [Gm] xxxx [D] xxx [G] xxx [Gm] xxxx [D] xxx [G] xxx [Gm] xxxx
(Co[D] mex on in from the cold) I've been waiting for you
(Co[G]mex on in from the outside) I've been waiting for you
(Co[D]mex on in from the cold)
(Co[G]mex on in from the outside)
(Co[D]mex on in from the cold)
(Co[G]mex on in from the cold)
Summer's ov
No more birds to sing their s
Bruised and ba
I've gone as far as I can
Dead leaves are
Her calling cards across the
I keep wa
And I've got nowhere left to g