Forever Loving Jah chords

Transpose 0
Artist: Bob Marley
[F#m] , [Bm] , [C#m]

[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]
[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]

[F#m]Some they say see them wal[Bm]king up the st[C#m]reet
They say we are[F#m] going wrong to all the p[Bm]eople we [C#m]meet
But we won't w[F#m]orry, we won't shed no te[Bm]ars [C#m]
We foun[F#m]d a way to cast away [Bm]the f[C#m]ears
Forever Yeah!

[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]
(We'll be forever)
[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]
(Forever yes and forever)
[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah, t[C#m]here'll be no end

So old man [F#m]river don't d[Bm]ry fo[C#m]r me
I have got a runnin[F#m]g stream of love [Bm]you s[C#m]ee
So no matter what [F#m]stages, oh sta[Bm]ges, [C#m]stages
Stages they put us[F#m] thru we'll never be b[Bm]lue [C#m]
No matter what r[F#m]ages, oh ra[Bm]ges, [C#m]changes.
Rages they put us [F#m]thru, we'll never be bl[Bm]ue [C#m]
We'll be forever yeah!

[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]
(We'll be forever)
[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]
(Forever and ever and forever
Cause there is no end)

Cause only a [F#m]fool lean u[Bm]p on, lean[C#m] upon
His own mis[F#m]understanding [Bm] [C#m]
And what has been [F#m]hidden from the w[Bm]ise and the p[C#m]rudent,
Been revealed to the b[F#m]abe and the suckling
In every t[Bm]hing, in every way I[C#m] say

[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]
(We'll be forever)
[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]

Cause just like a t[F#m]ree plan[Bm]ted p[C#m]lanted by the river of[F#m] water
That bringeth forth bringeth [Bm]forth, f[C#m]ruits in due season [f#m]
Every thi[Bm]ng in life got[C#m] its purpose[F#m]
Find its [Bm]reason in every [C#m]season, forever Yeah!

[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]
(We'll be forever)
[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]
(On and on and on)
[F#m]We'll be forever loving J[Bm]ah [C#m]

(Fade out again....)

Tab by The Badger King
Used chords