Fastest Gun Around chords

Transpose 0
In the d[D]ays of William B[Am]onney
Better kn[D]own as Bill the K[Am]id
A y[D]oung cowboy named J[Am]oey Steele
Was 'b[D]out to make his bid

Well, they h[D]eard one day
That B[Am]ill the Kid had j[D]ust rode into t[Am]own
And if [D]he could take him
[Am]He would be f[D]astest gun around

He was j[D]ust a kid of se[Am]venteen
But he h[D]ad a lightin' h[Am]and
And he s[D]aid it's time I sh[Am]owed the world
That I[D]'ve become a man

E[D]veryone thinks B[Am]illy is
The f[D]astest gun a[Am]round
But t[D]hey will know I'm f[Am]aster
When they s[D]ee me shoot him down

They fi[G]nally came tog[F]ether
Down on M[G]ain Street just at f[F]ive
The p[G]eople were all ga[F]thered
Wonderin' w[G]ho'd be left alive

B[G]illy knew that J[F]oey wanted
N[G]otches on his [F]gun
And he w[G]ished that he could g[F]ive him
Those he'd ca[G]rved upon his own

J[D]oey's hand went [Am]to his side
He was s[D]ure that he had w[Am]on
But be[D]fore he even f[Am]ired he saw
The s[D]moke of Billy's gun

And he f[D]elt the bullet h[Am]it him hard
And be[D]fore his eyes he [Am]saw
His w[D]asted life pass qu[Am]ickly
Ending w[D]ith this fatal draw

Bi[D]lly breathed more e[Am]asily
And he [D]put away his g[Am]un
And he t[D]ried to ease his c[Am]onscience
For the w[D]rong that he had done

Then he s[D]addled up his h[Am]orse
And headed w[D]estward out of t[Am]own
And he w[D]ondered just how l[Am]ong he'd be
The f[D]astest gun around...[Am](hold o[D]ut for a while following the chords)
Used chords